Enterprise Square is scheduled to welcome members of the new Shared Services to the first floor of our downtown campus at the beginning of the new year. Renovations to the first floor continue to progress on schedule, with collaborative meeting spaces and large common areas available to facilitate community connections. These meeting spaces are on an open-booking system, enabling the opportunity for all occupants to access meeting rooms.
Here is a sneak peek of what Enterprise Square first floor renovations look like so far. Now, all we are missing are all the staff, students, faculty and visitors to truly make this an exciting and welcoming space.
Spaces on the first floor offer staff in the building common space to meet and to nurture collaboration. These spaces can also be used to host events and staff get togethers.

The large kitchen area and dining area are set up for ease of use for staff as well as another great place to come together.

The first floor renovations offer flexible sit-stand workstations and collaborative breakout and meeting room spaces.

The vast atrium corridor leverages natural lighting to create an inviting and open space, with the glass walls defining the common spaces to bring in the light, with window glazing on the glass to offer a sense of privacy from corridor traffic.

An Enterprise Oversight Committee, a Space and Culture Committee and a Downtown Partnership Committee have been collaborating since the spring to develop resources to address culture, shared space, safety and security, equity, diversity and inclusion, downtown relationships and ways to welcome new staff. Thank you to the staff members contributing their time and energy to these groups!
Additionally, materials from the Enterprise Square renovation were used on another major project happening on North Campus, the Dentistry/Pharmacy Centre renewal. Our contractors and U of A project management staff are always looking for opportunities to save costs and be more sustainable, on each and every infrastructure project happening on our campuses.The Enterprise Square renovations were able to continue throughout the pandemic and stay on schedule, and we look forward to welcoming more staff to this exciting, open and fresh new space. Stay tuned, as further renovations occur on the building to welcome even more departments on campus into this dynamic building.