Community Congrats! January 17, 2018

This week, the University of Alberta is celebrating CIHR New Investigator grant recipients, SSHRC grant recipients, Grand Challenges Canada winners and more!

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This week, the University of Alberta is celebrating CIHR New Investigator grant recipients, SSHRC grant recipients, Grand Challenges Canada winners, and more! So, congratulations to the following:

Dozens of UAlberta researchers were successful in SSHRC's most recent Insight and Insight Development Grant competitions - nice work!

The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry also celebrated the opening of the new IDEAS Office (Innovation Discovery Education And Scholarship) - congratulations!

Finally, congratulations to all of the January award recipients in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry - well done!

If you know of a U of A colleague who has recently won an award or any other honours and you would like to see their achievement celebrated in the next edition of Community Congrats! please send their info to Community Congrats! is usually published on Community Congrats! is usually published on Wednesdays.