Linda Cameron Ends a Chapter

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Some time ago, University of Alberta Press Director Linda Cameron announced her plans to retire at the end of August 2017, and despite her objections to a big celebratory party, her colleagues organized a reception.

Co-workers, authors, friends and family members arrived in large numbers, and the Saskatchewan Room in the Faculty Club filled up quickly. Colourful banners of book covers stood around the room, a slideshow of photos played in the background, and copies of recent books were on display. Jerome Martin, brilliant pianist and a dear friend of UAP, played for much of the afternoon.

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Derek Truscott, UAP Author and past-Press Committee chair, gave a wonderful speech. Here is an excerpt:

"Many here have worked with a variety of publishers and I feel confident that you share my appraisal of the U of A Press as unique in the publishing world. Yes, the Press consistently produces beautiful books of exceptional merit, but it does so while treating all the people involved as valued individuals. I can honestly say that I have not experienced anything like it anywhere else. And Linda is responsible.

Now Linda is quick to attribute the success of the Press to the exceptional staff and authors with whom she works. And I know she means it. And I know it's true. However, I also know that the most robust indicator of the quality of a person is the quality of the people who gather around them. So Linda, I might invite you to consider taking a moment to think about the people who are here today - and those who are unable to be here - and perhaps just bask a bit in what that says about you.

I have come to be fascinated with endeavours that flourish over the long term - athletes, artists, programs, businesses. Linda has nurtured good ideas and kept them alive for a quarter of a century. This is as praiseworthy as it is exceptional.

Linda, you have made a difference that will be remembered for a very long time."

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As Linda wraps up 16 years of Press leadership at the end of August, her friends and colleagues agree that she has proven herself to be an influential leader, innovative thinker and creative problem solver.

It seems fair to give Linda Cameron a chance to close out this reflection in her own words:

Linda Cameron

"Publishing has been my life's work and I am grateful to have been blessed with all of the opportunities and challenges the work has provided. I thank particularly the talented and dedicated individuals I work with every day: Alan Brownoff, Basia Kowal, Cathie Crooks, Duncan Turner, Mary Lou Roy, Monika Igali and Peter Midgley. Thank you, too, to all the scholars and authors whose work and contributions to scholarship and literature have made my life richer than it's possible to imagine."

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Cathie Crooks - Associate Director / Manager Planning & Operations, University of Alberta Press

Cathie is the Associate Director / Manager Planning & Operations at the University of Alberta Press. She is a publishing, marketing, and communications specialist and experienced project manager.