Goal 1 - Research Institutes, Centres & Projects

Research Institutes, Centres & Projects
All In For Youth
AIFY is a model for delivering social support to children experiencing vulnerability in their school communities. “Wraparound” support provides students with life coaching, mental health treatment, nutrition, out of school care and more across five inner-city Edmonton schools. Since the start of the initiative, AIFY has been able to provide wraparound support to over 2,200 students and their families each school year. Since 2016, CUP has supported the annual evaluation of the AIFY initiative using a participatory research approach.
Health Team Incubation Space
The Discovery Mall was built to support interdisciplinary research teams within the Edmonton Clinic Health Academy. Its flexible spaces can be adapted to meet changing needs for research teams. The UAlberta Health Sciences Council webpage has a list of the interdisciplinary teams housed within the Incubation Space. No-Cost Education Initiative
Thanks to new federal funding, researchers at the University of Alberta will examine the outcomes of a zero fee tuition initiative that is underway in Drayton Valley. The goal of the initiative is to help rural Albertans gain skills to start new careers without needing to leave their home communities.
UofA Public Health Research
Public health research by Maria Mayan and her team is supporting the work of the non-profit EndPovertyEdmonton. The research forms the basis for EndPovertyEdmonton’s work encouraging innovative approaches to creating good jobs for a broader range of people as the economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.