Staff donors gathered at a recent celebration to connect in the Heritage Lounge in historic Athabasca hall-the first building constructed on the University of Alberta campus. Photo credit: John Ulan
A cold late-February morning was made a little warmer with sizzling breakfast, freshly-brewed coffee, and a few stories of the generosity found close to home in the Faculty of Science at a thank-you celebration for staff donors.
The event gave staff and alumni from all departments and backgrounds a chance to meet and connect over a meal. Faculty members, staff, postdoctoral fellows, and professors emeriti discussed emerging science and events occurring on campus, gathering in the Heritage Lounge in the historic Athabasca Hall-the first building constructed on the University of Alberta campus.
"Giving is a generous act-and a personal decision. It's reassuring and inspiring to see that support come from staff members as well as our donors in the wider community," said Frank Marsiglio, interim dean in the Faculty of Science. "It shows that they're happy with where they work, and there's value to what we do. It's great to see."
A chance to connect
"The main thing I wanted to say to our supporters there was 'thank you,' and I wanted to take the opportunity to get to know them," said Marsiglio. "It's very fulfilling to have a chance to connect and for them to get to know us in the Faculty of Science as well."
In that spirit, a few guests shared their stories about why they choose to donate to the Faculty of Science and what their connection to the institution means to them.
"I feel that supporting and encouraging younger generations to pursue their dreams is an important part of life. I've seen many instances of students-both current and graduates-helping each other out," said Irene Cheng, adjunct professor in the Department of Computing Science. "One of my now-graduated PhD students told me that 'we are like a family.' To me, donating to the faculty is like helping family members."
Cheng is director of the multimedia master's program and scientific director of the Multimedia Research Group in computing science. But it isn't just established professors who choose to donate to the Faculty of Science-several guests were postdoctoral fellows and non-academic staff as well, representing roles all across the faculty.
"I choose to donate because I consider the University of Alberta as part of where I've grown," said Richard Kanyo, donor and a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Biological Sciences. "I've been on campus since I first started my degree in the faculty in 2001."
The many stories of science
"What continues to strike me is the diverse backgrounds of our staff here in the Faculty of Science," said Marsiglio. "You end up meeting people that have taken different routes in life, and seeing how they intersect can be amazing."
And as Marsiglio points out, connections like that weave together the many stories of the individuals that contribute their time and energy to advancing science every day in the classroom, the lab, and the field, supported by the generosity of donors on staff, both from the campus community and beyond.
Interested in supporting science? Learn more about the opportunities to give.