Results: University of Alberta COVID-19 and other Emerging Pathogens Research Fund
17 September 2020
Congratulations to the University of Alberta COVID-19 and other Emerging Pathogens Research competition awardees!

Dr. Hyo-Jick Choi
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering; Faculty of Engineering
Project Title: Virus inactivating salt‐coated mask to prevent transmission of COVID‐19

Dr. Shokrollah Elahi
Associate Professor, Department of Dentistry; Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Project Title: Investigating the effects of dexamethasone on ACE2 expression as a therapeutic approach against SARS-CoV-19 infection

Dr. Basil Hubbard
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology; Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Project Title: Small-molecule inhibitors of Nsp15 for the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2

Dr. Paul Jurasz
Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Project Title: Angiostatin: A potential novel biomarker of COVID-19 underlying pathophysiology

Dr. Greg Tyrrell
Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology; Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Project Title: Developing a safe subunit vaccine for COVID-19 by using convalescent plasma to identify immunogenic epitopes

Dr. Reinhard Vehring
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Faculty of Engineering
Project Title: Glass stabilization of an adjuvanted subunit coronavirus vaccine via spray drying
The COVID-19 and other Emerging Pathogens Research Fund was established to support activities and projects in the area of Coronavirus and other emerging pathogens research in various disciplines at the University of Alberta (UofA). Researchers in all Faculties were eligible to apply for funding.
This competition could not have happened without the generous support of the community.
Thank you from Dr. D. Lorne Tyrell
Fundraising efforts were led by the Office of Advancement, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. To continue supporting COVID-19 and other Emerging Pathogens research, please contact the office of Advancement or make your donation online.
The Fund was held by and managed by the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology (LKSIoV) at the University of Alberta, with review and approval of all other aspects, including the awards for this fund, by the Oversight Committee comprised of:
- Interim Vice-President (Research and Innovation), University of Alberta
- Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta
- Vice Dean Research, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta
In addition to the Peer-Review Committee Chair and Scientific Officer, the peer-review committee was composed of 11 researchers across the U of A campus, reflective of all faculties from which applications were received. An outline of the adjudication process is detailed in the Funding Process Document.
Thank you for your interest in the COVID-19 and other Emerging Pathogens Research Fund competition. For further details, please contact the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology (