Community Dance Night Celebrating Indigenous and Ukrainian Culture
23 August 2023

"Visiting Neighbours, Learning from the Land" project invites you for an evening of delicious dining, and lively entertainment, celebrating the unity between the Ukrainian and Indigenous communities.
Date: August 26, 2023 Hours: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Location: Cultural Gathering Centre, Métis Crossing.
17339 Victoria Trail, Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0
Event entry is free. Ukrainian and Indigenous inspired menu available for purchase throughout the event. Please reserve your seat for the dining experience. Visit to learn more.
This is a project within the Indigenous Ukrainian Relationship Initiative - a joint initiative between the Kule Folklore Centre, University of Alberta (KuFC), and the Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre, MacEwan University (URDC), in partnership with the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, Métis Crossing, and kihew waciston Indigenous Centre at MacEwan.