Master of Arts in Ancient Societies and Cultures (History, Classics, and Religion)

Master of Arts in Ancient Societies and Cultures (History, Classics, and Religion)

Why study this program?

Our Department offers the degrees of MA and PhD in the separate disciplines of History, Classics, and Religious Studies, as well as an MA in Ancient Societies and Cultures with an interdisciplinary focus. Within both History and Classics we offer a number of different programs, and within all of those programs a broad range of geographical, thematic and methodological specializations. Applicants are encouraged to consult the Department’s web site for details of the particular areas of research concentration of our faculty.

In Classics, the Department offers two course-based MAs: one in Classical Languages (Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies), where some concentration is possible in classical literature or ancient history; the other in Classical Archaeology, which offers an opportunity to pursue archaeological fieldwork. The PhD in Classics is also offered in both Classical Languages, which is a broad-based program leading to a general qualification in Classics, and in Classical Archaeology.

In History, the department offers a course-based MA, a thesis-based MA, and a PhD. The department can support graduate studies on a wide range of areas and topics in History; see the department website for details.

The Department also offers a thesis-based MA in Ancient Societies and Cultures, with an emphasis on inter- and cross-disciplinary approaches.

For the graduate degrees in Religious Studies, see Graduate Programs in Religious Studies .

Entrance Requirements

For the MA programs in Classical Archaeology and Classical Languages, the Department’s minimum admission requirements are a BA with a major in Classics with an admission GPA of at least 3.5 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.

For the MA in Classical Archaeology, students with a major in Archaeology, Anthropology, History, or Art History may also be accepted, provided that they have taken the equivalent of at least six courses (18 units) in CLASS, LATIN or GREEK at the 200-level or above.

Applicants to the MA in Classical Archaeology must have completed the equivalent of at least 6 units of GREEK or LATIN.

Applicants to the MA in Classical Languages must have completed the equivalent of GREEK 302 and LATIN 302 and a combined 9 units at the 400-level in GREEK and/or LATIN.

For the PhD programs in Classical Archaeology and Classical Languages, the Department’s minimum admission requirements are an MA in Classics with an admission GPA of at least 3.5 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.

For the MA program in History, the Department’s minimum admission requirements are a four-year Honors or Special BA in History with an admission GPA of at least 3.5 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.

For the PhD program in History, the Department’s minimum admission requirements are an acceptable MA degree with an admission GPA of at least 3.5 on the 4- point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.

For the MA program in Ancient Societies and Cultures, the Department’s minimum admission requirements are a BA degree either in Classics or History or a suitable related field (e.g., Religious Studies, Philosophy, Anthropology) with an admission GPA of at least 3.5 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.

Applicants to the MA in Ancient Societies and Cultures must demonstrate appropriate level of language proficiency to conduct research on the primary sources, as applicable to the student’s program (e.g., suitable preparation in Ancient Greek, Hebrew, Latin and/or Sanskrit).

In all MA programs, students with undergraduate degrees in fields other than History or Classics, or who for other reasons require further coursework at the undergraduate level, may be admitted to an MA qualifying year.

In exceptional cases, a student may be admitted directly into a PhD program without an MA, or, having been admitted as a candidate for the MA, be subsequently permitted to change program category into the PhD program.

Where applicable, applicants must provide proof of English Language Proficiency (refer to English Language Requirement ). Any one of the following is acceptable:

  • A minimum TOEFL score of 95 (internet-based) with a minimum score of 21 on each of the individual skill areas, or equivalent.

Applicants to all programs must submit the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose addressing the specific area of History, Classics, or Ancient Societies and Cultures to be investigated
  • PhD applicants must also submit a sample of recent written work such as an MA thesis or part thereof, course essay, published article.

The application deadline for September admission is normally mid-January. For the exact date and any additional information, see Application Procedures on the Department website.



Delivery Mode:
On Campus

Program Type:
Thesis Based

Degree Level:

Program Requirements

Students are required to complete a minimum of 19 units in coursework and a thesis.

Coursework (19 units)

  • Six 3-unit graduate-level courses subject to approval of the Department
    • At least two of these courses must be related to the chosen area of concentration.
  • CLASS 501  (1 unit)


  • Registration in 900-level THES. Students are required to write a thesis which should normally be not more than 100 pages in length.

Ethics Requirement

Students fulfill three hours of the GPS Ethics and Academic Citizenship Training Requirement  through CLASS 501 . Students must also complete the GPS Graduate Ethics Training course.

Professional Development Requirement

Students fulfill four hours of the GPS Professional Development Requirement  through CLASS 501 . See the Department website for a guideline of Department resources to fulfill the remaining PD hours.

Language Requirements

Students must demonstrate competence in French, German, Italian, or another modern language appropriate to the area of concentration according to the procedures specified in the Departmental Language Requirement.

Depending on the student’s preparation and chosen area of concentration, demonstrated proficiency in one or more ancient languages may also be required.

Residence Requirement

The minimum period of residence is two four-month terms of full-time attendance at the University of Alberta.

Length of Program

Students should be able to complete the program in three or four terms depending on preparation and course selection.

The maximum time to complete the thesis-based MA program as set by the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies is four years.


Graduate courses can be found in Course Listings , under the following subject headings:

Classics (CLASS)
Greek (GREEK)
History (HIST)
Latin (LATIN)

Tuition and Fees

The Department annually appoints a number of graduate research and teaching assistants. At the time of application, prospective graduate students should indicate whether they wish to be considered for an assistantship, but no appointment will be offered to any student until that student has been formally admitted to graduate studies. Graduate students are encouraged to apply for national scholarships and are also eligible for various University fellowships and bursaries. For details see Awards and Funding on the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies website.

For general information, please visit the Tuition and Fees page on the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research site.
Scholarships and Financial Support

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research administers over $29 million each year in scholarships, awards, and financial support for graduate students, as well as financial and loan advising. Additional scholarships are also available for specific faculties and programs.

Program-specific inquiries

Please refer to the detailed program information or email

General inquiries

Please check out some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQS) to see if your question has been answered, or contact the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) during our office hours.

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR)
Killam Centre for Advanced Studies
2-29 Triffo Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E1