Why study this program?
The Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science offers thesis programs leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees, as well as course-based programs leading to Master of Agriculture and Master of Science degrees. Departmental graduate program guidelines exist and are summarized in the Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science Program Handbook.
The Department has active research programs in the following areas of specialization:
- Animal Science: Research on basic animal biology and livestock management with applications in the fields of animal physiology and metabolism, immunology, microbiology, reproduction, animal housing, health and welfare, as well as genomics, bioinformatics and proteomics.
- Plant Science: Studies in plant biology, applied ecology and agronomy within cereal, oilseed, forage and specialty crop production, incorporating plant biochemistry and proteomics, biotechnology, plant breeding and genomics, integrated pest management, as well as plant and field crop physiology.
- Food Science and Technology: Food research encompassing chemistry, microbiology, physics, processing and sensory science with areas of excellence in cereal utilization, dairy science, food safety, functional foods and nutraceuticals, lipid utilization, and pre- and probiotics.
- Nutrition and Metabolism: Clinical, community, metabolic and public health nutrition, as they relate to nutrition policy, infant and child health, and to chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Animal based programs include livestock nutrition, feed evaluation and processing.
- Bioresource and Food Engineering: Engineering applications related to bioresource utilization including food processing, bioproducts, bioenergy, biorefining, and agri-waste management.
- Rangeland and Wildlife Resources: Examination of rangeland ecosystems, emphasizing applications in livestock or wildlife productivity, applied plant ecology, and rangeland or wildlife resources management.
- Bioresource Technology: Application of chemical, thermal, mechanical and biological processes for the conversion of agricultural and forestry feedstocks into bio-based materials, biofuels, platform chemicals, and other value-added commodities of industrial relevance. Research is multidisciplinary in nature, and includes chemistry, enzymology, engineering, materials science, and other areas of specialization.
The Department research facilities at the Edmonton Research Station include: Crops and Land Resources, Alberta Poultry Research Centre, Swine Research and Technology Centre, Dairy Research and Technology Centre, Composting and Feedmill Facilities, the Laird McElroy Metabolism and Environmental Research Centre and Agri-Food Discovery Place. Additional Research Stations an hour drive from campus include the Ministik Wildlife Field Station and the Kinsella Research Ranch used for extensive beef cattle research.
On the North campus the Department is home to laboratory space and equipment including greenhouses, plant growth facilities, a Human Nutrition Research Unit, an Agri-Food Materials Science Lab, an Agriculture Genomics and Proteomics lab, a Food Microbiology lab, and extensive sensory and consumer science facilities.
Entrance Requirements
For an MAg or a course-based MSc degree, the Department’s minimum admission requirements are an undergraduate degree with an admission GPA of at least 3.0 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution.
For a thesis-based MSc degree, the Department’s minimum admission requirements are an undergraduate degree with an admission GPA of at least 3.3 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution.
For the PhD program, the Department’s minimum admission requirements are a Master’s degree with an admission GPA of at least 3.3 on the 4-point scale from the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification and standing from a recognized institution. Exceptional students may be admitted directly from a bachelor’s degree.
The admission GPA will be calculated on the last 60 units of graded coursework completed, or on the equivalent of the last two years of full-time graded coursework.
Where applicable, applicants must meet the minimum English Language Requirement .
Applicants for the course-based Specializations in Food Safety and Quality or in Meat Quality apply to the Specialization Committee and are not required to have a supervisor. Applicants for all other course-based and thesis-based programs are required to have a faculty member agree to supervise their program prior to applying to their program. See Admission Process on the Department website for further information.
All applicants are also required to submit
- a Curriculum Vitae,
- a Motivation Letter Form (course-based MSc Specializations in Food Safety and Quality or Meat Quality) or a Research Statement Form (all other graduate degrees) (available in the application portal),
- names and contact information of three references.
Application deadlines for all programs in Agricultural, Food, & Nutritional Science are as follows:
- Course-based MSc with specialization in Food Safety and Quality or Meat Quality
March 15 for Fall Term (September) - Course-based MSc/MAg
May 15 for Fall term (September) - Thesis based programs
May 15 for Fall term (September)
July 31 for Winter term (January)
December 1 for Spring term (May)
March 15 for Summer Term (July)
Students are required to complete a minimum of 10 units in graduate-level coursework, including 9 units in required courses, a 1-unit seminar course and a non-credit Lab course. Completion of a thesis is also required.
All PhD students must declare a specialization.
Required Courses
- Courses will be recommended by the supervisor and supervisory committee.
- Course requirements are based on the student’s previous training and anticipated needs in the student’s field of specialization.
- Only 3 units of coursework is permitted to be an Individual Study course. Permission to take additional credits as an Individual Study course requires approval by the AFNS Associate Chair, Graduate Programs.
Seminar Course
- AFNS 601 – Seminar. Students are required to present two seminars and maintain at least 75% attendance.
Required Lab course
- Students are required to complete Lab Skills 101 in the first term of their program.
- Exemption may be requested with support of the supervisor based on evidence of previous lab training.
Academic Standing Requirement
Students in the PhD program are required to maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 throughout the course of the program.
Failure to maintain the required cumulative GPA will normally result in a recommendation by the Associate Chair – Graduate Program to GPS that the student be placed on academic probation or required to withdraw.
A limited number of assistantships in teaching and research are available to highly-qualified candidates. Most students are either on scholarship or funded by research grants obtained by professors in the Department.
For further information on the graduate programs and financial assistance, prospective students should direct their inquiries to the Department Graduate Student Support Office.
For general information, please visit the Tuition and Fees page on the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research site.The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research administers over $29 million each year in scholarships, awards, and financial support for graduate students, as well as financial and loan advising. Additional scholarships are also available for specific faculties and programs.
Please refer to the detailed program information or email grad.ales@ualberta.ca.
General inquiriesPlease check out some of our most frequently asked questions (FAQS) to see if your question has been answered, or contact the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) during our office hours.
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR)
Killam Centre for Advanced Studies
2-29 Triffo Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E1