Cree researcher Jessica Kolopenuk understands the importance of bringing Indigenous knowledge and governance to health and research policy. As of this month, she will be in an ideal position to support that goal.
“It’s not only about including our knowledges and perspectives in research and policy,” she says.
“It’s about having control over the knowledge production that impacts us — knowledge that is about us, our territories, and our communities and relatives.”
As of Jan. 1, Kolopenuk has taken on the role of Alberta Health Services Chair in Indigenous Health within the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. The purpose of the newly created position, funded by Alberta Health Services, is to promote research and scholarship in Indigenous health and to develop research partnerships, including partnerships with Indigenous communities.
Kolopenuk, who has a PhD in political science from the University of Victoria, wants to focus on three main goals.
The first is to produce critical research that will inform policy at the provincial, national and global levels. She plans to pursue partnerships that will allow her to join national and global conversations regarding health science and policy.
Her second goal is to support and encourage Indigenous students who are interested in health science technology and health policy.
This has been a large part of her work already as an assistant professor in the Faculty of Native Studies. She and her colleague Kim TallBear developed the Indigenous Science, Technology, and Society Research and Training Program and Network with the aim of supporting scientific literacy and capacity among Indigenous Peoples. The program includes an online course called Indigenous Peoples and Technoscience, which is available to undergraduate students and the public, including individuals in Indigenous communities looking for professional development.