Ask SET Anything: Support Staff Edition

Dec. 3, 2020 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Share Event

This open forum is the first in a series of events at which members of the community can ask questions and share ideas on the progress and implementation of the SET program. This event has been developed specifically for support staff to raise questions, suggestions, and concerns with regard to administrative restructuring. Support staff are invited to register to join the live Zoom meeting using the link below.

For those who are interested in watching the event, please use this livestream link.

Please submit your questions, suggestions or comments to the panel here.

Note: Due to the expected number of questions by Zoom participants and a limited amount of time, submissions may not be read during this event. However, submitted questions will be answered in the FAQ section of the UAT website when possible.

This event will feature the following panel of speakers: 

Bill Flanagan
President and Vice-Chancellor

Steven Dew
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)

Todd Gilchrist
Vice President University Services and Finance
Chair, Service Excellence Steering Committee (SESC)

Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell
Dean, Faculty of Science
Dean co-sponsor of the External Engagement work stream

Melissa Padfield
Vice-Provost & University Registrar
Administrative co-sponsor of the Student Services work stream

Wayne Patterson
Associate Vice-President, Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment
Administrative co-sponsor of the Human Resources work stream

Rob Munro
Executive Lead, Service Excellence Transformation


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