Honouring the Black community at the U of A
Understanding where we are today and how we can move to a more equitable and inclusive tomorrow, starts with reflections of the past. The U of A is committed to creating a safe and inclusive space that challenges anti-Black and all forms of racism and values everyone's rights, dignity and labour.
Black History Month is a time for us to come together as a community to honour the contributions, achievements, and lived experiences of Black Canadians. This month is an opportunity to collectively listen, engage, and learn about Black Canadian histories and the cultures of newcomers, which greatly contribute to our society.
Each February, the University of Alberta celebrates the work of Black researchers, faculty, staff, instructors and students who are leading with purpose.
Read the president's message honouring Black History Month 2024 »
Honorer la communauté noire à l’Université de l’Alberta
Pour comprendre où nous en sommes aujourd'hui et comment nous pouvons passer à un avenir plus équitable et inclusif, nous devons commencer par des réflexions sur le passé. La U of A s'engage à créer un espace sûr et inclusif qui défie le racisme anti-Noir et toutes les formes de racisme et valorise les droits, la dignité et le travail de chacun.
Le Mois de l'histoire des Noirs est l'occasion pour nous de nous rassembler en tant que communauté pour honorer les contributions, les réalisations et les expériences vécues des Canadiens noirs. Ce mois-ci est l'occasion d'écouter, de s'engager et d'apprendre collectivement l'histoire des Noirs canadiens et les cultures des nouveaux arrivants, qui contribuent tant à notre société.
Chaque février, l'Université de l'Alberta célèbre le travail des chercheurs, des professeurs, des membres du personnel et des instructeurs noirs ainsi que des étudiants qui font preuve de leadership avisé.
Lire le message du président en l’honneur du Mois de l’histoire des Noirs »
Featured Stories
Black History Month gains more meaning when Black communities reclaim it
Blacktalk is a podcast about the personal experiences of global Black experts and Black Canadians contextualized within the historical experience of being Black. Hosted by Distinguished Professor W. Andy Knight and political science student Abigail Isaac, Blacktalk leaves listeners with new perspectives about anti-Black racism and Black achievement.
Black History Month Events
New events will be added as they become available, so be sure to check back to see the latest opportunities.
Pan-African Symposium
Feb. 28-29
The symposium is aligned with the U of A’s concerted efforts to counter anti-Black racism and implement the values of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Indigenization, and Decolonization.
Learn moreU of A Initiatives
Black-led Research Network Initiative
The Black-led Research Network Initiative (BRNI) aims to build capacity for Black researchers and enhance Black research excellence at the University of Alberta.
Report on
Calls to Action
The Report on 10 Calls to Action by the Collective of Black Student Groups at the University of Alberta provides an update on activities related to the institutional priority area of Black flourishing, specifically on the commitments made to a collective of Black student groups in September 2020.
U of A signs
Scarborough Charter
The U of A is honoured to join our peer institutions across Canada in signing the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education.
Graduate Student Engagement Scholarship
Developed in collaboration with Black Students Graduate Association, the recipient must be of African descent and self-identify as Black, African-Canadian, African-American, or Afro-Caribbean or Afro-Latino heritage.
University of Alberta Library Subject Guide: Black Studies
Find library resources for your exploration into Black Studies, a program of studies in Black history and culture, including the African diaspora.
Black Youth for Social Innovation (BYSI)
Black Youth for Social Innovation (BYSI) provides Black students in the College of Social Sciences and Humanties with paid, work-integrated learning experiences and mentorship, empowering them to lead a pluraltistic society.
The ELITE Program for Black Youth has been designed as a practical solution to enable Black Youth to develop hands-on skills that will be immediately transferable to disruptive technologies, including robotics, automation, advanced manufacturing, and tissue engineering.
Indigenous and Black Engineering and Technology PhD Project
The IBET PhD Project is intended to foster equitable and inclusive research environments to increase the presence of Indigenous and Black academics in STEM.
Indigenous and Black Engineering and Technology PhD Project
The IBET PhD Project is intended to foster equitable and inclusive research environments to increase the presence of Indigenous and Black academics in STEM.
And Still We Rise: A Black Presence in Alberta, late 1800s – 1970s
Part of the Edmonton City as Museum Project, this exhibit explores the formation of Alberta’s Black communities from the late 1800s through to the early 1970s.
Engagement and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity in Science
Explore a collection of resources prepared by the Associate Dean (Engagement & EDI) and the Faculty of Science Engagement & EDI committee.
Developed by the Black Students’ Collective, this content aims to provide a list of resources, services, and activities that directly support Black students' academic development, student participation, and other student services for Black students.
Black Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub. Central Regional Hub, Prairies
Based out of the University of Alberta, the BEKH Central Regional Hub is focused on hearing the voices of Black entrepreneurs in the Prairie Region. By operating through regional hubs, the hub aims to better reflect the needs and priorities of local entrepreneurs to ensure relevant research and targeted community programming.
Meet our Alumni
Black scholars, students, and alumni have been influential in shaping Canada's history, and working to uplift the whole people through their work.
Meet some of our grads who are doing great things in Alberta and beyond »
Museum Exhibits
Everyone has some familiarity with clothing and textiles, but did you know it's also a multidisciplinary field of study where history, art, anthropology, sociology, and several more disciplines meet? Explore exhibits in-person and online for a rich understanding of how clothing and textiles are intimately connected to personal, social and cultural identities.
Unwrapping African Commemorative Cloth
The diverse array of cultures across the African continent are responsible for numerous textile-making traditions including stamp printing, indigo dyeing, and strip weaving. An exploration of factory-printed textiles from the African continent, demonstrating the incredible communicative power of cloth from the diverse cultures of Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Cameroon, Malawi, Tchad, and Zimbabwe.
Woven Identities: Ghanaian and Guatemalan Textiles in the Face of Globalization
Ghana and Guatemala may be on opposite sides of the world, yet their people have long expressed themselves proudly through a similar medium: textiles. Ghanaians and the indigenous Maya people of Guatemala have developed woven designs and processes that serve as a distinctive form of cultural expression in an increasingly globalized world.