Welding in Alberta
With approximately $14 billion per year of existing activity, Alberta is quickly becoming one of Canada's major metal manufacturing centres, behind only Ontario and Quebec.
Thanks to Alberta's booming energy sector, there are a multitude of opportunities for the province's metal fabrication and machinery manufacturing companies. Tens of billions of dollars are being spent in both the oil sands and conventional oil and gas sectors each year.
Alberta's oil sands will require more than $100 billion of new construction and maintenance spending in the next 50 years, much of it for fabricated metal products. This impressive market opportunity has attracted world attention. Global supply chains emerging from Alberta have expanded and formed as new oil sands construction cycles begin.
In response to the unprecedented demand placed on local manufacturers, Alberta's metal fabrication companies are looking to new and innovative practices, with an increased focus on research and technology.
From 2005 to 2010, Alberta's metal products fabrication sector is forecast to generate approximately CDN$48 billion in revenues. The sector includes over 60,000 employees and 1,350 companies (Govt of AB)