COVID-19 Update - U of A Plan for May 6 to May 26

5 May 2021

Posted: May 5, 4:00 p.m.
Updated May 26 to indicate that on-campus activities remain limited until further notice.

As we shared last night, the Government of Alberta has introduced stronger public health restrictions which will impact how and where we carry out our work, teaching, learning, and research from May 6 until further notice as the university assesses the current situation

The pressure facing the provincial health care system is cause for action, and while we know that these new measures are not easy to adapt to, as a university community that seeks to serve the public good, collectively we always step-up to do what’s needed in a crisis. 

Based on additional guidance shared with us by the province, the following actions will be in place from tomorrow (May 6):

  • All work that can be conducted remotely must be conducted remotely. 
  • Exceptional in-person research, work, and classes can continue according to the new public health restrictions; however, if your course, research or work can be temporarily paused or conducted remotely for the next three weeks, this must be done. 
  • As needed, U of A employees impacted by the temporary movement of K-12 to an online environment should discuss flexible work options with their supervisors and HR representatives.

Taking these actions now and hearing today that Alberta’s vaccination effort will be expanding to include all Albertans 12+ on May 10 should give us cause for hope to keep moving forward. 

Anyone whose in-person class delivery format or work location will be impacted by the new restrictions, will be notified directly by their instructor or supervisor. On-campus research teams should review this afternoon’s research update for additional details.

Update for Researchers: Assess on-campus and in-person research

General inquiries: U of A Public Health Response Team, 

COVID-19 Rapid Response support for on-campus supervisors, instructors and activity coordinators: U of A Rapid Response Triage Team,