Academic Poster Contest

Excellence in teaching deserves to be celebrated. Innovation in teaching deserves to be showcased. Learning in teaching needs to be shared.

Each year, the Festival of Teaching and Learning showcases excellent teaching in the form of strategies and innovations which are presented and shared. 

Members of the teaching and learning community at the University of Alberta are invited to vote on Festival of Teaching and Learning academic posters. Voting will take place from Feb 18 - Mar 1. The authors of the top three posters will be offered the opportunity to host a Q & A in the week of March 15 - 19.

Poster 1


A Task-Based First-Year Blended Learning German Language OER at the University of Alberta

Claudia Kost & Crystal Sawatzky (Modern Languages and Cultural Studies)

This poster showcases a new and no-cost learning resource for a first year German language program, a task-based Open Educational Resource with an integrated blended learning component. Explore the open textbook for first year German language classes including audio, video, and interactive quizzes and activities developed with undergraduate students.

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Poster 2


Launch of Massive Open Online Course: Bugs 101, Insect-Human Interactions

Maya Evenden & Ilan Domnich (Biological Sciences)

Entomologists at the University of Alberta created a 12-module Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to provide a free online course that engages learners and teaches about the importance of insects and related arthropods to human society.

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Poster 3


Automated Item Generation and Test Assembly for MCQ Development

Geoff Bostick, Mark Gierl, Erin McCabe, Cassidy Flemming, Teresa Paslawski, Mark Hall, Jill Hall, Chris Zarski, LuAnne McFarlane & Mary Roberts (Physical Therapy)

You too can have an item bank with over 20,000 MCQs and 60 parallel test forms!

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Poster 4


Not Why, But When: Exploring the Pragmatics of Citation with International Students

Anne Merritt & Nayar Lopez Villegas (Extension)

International students are often unfamiliar with the pragmatics of citations in academic writing - not how or why to cite, but when to use citations to strengthen and synthesize arguments. We have developed materials to guide them through these questions as part of their academic writing process.

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Poster 5


3D Hearts: Design and Implementation of an Innovative Congenital Heart Disease Curriculum Using 3D Visualizations

Charles Larson & Trina Bloemen (Pediatrics)

Congenital heart disease is notoriously difficult to understand. We describe the design, implementation and evaluation of a curriculum that uses 3D printing and stereoscopy to improve learning of congenital heart disease among medical residents.

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Poster 6


Refreshing Team-Based Learning (TBL): Targeting TBL for Formative Assessment and Collaborative Learning Opportunities in the MED 523: Musculoskeletal System course, MD Program

Jaime Yu, Rei Choo & Ashton Cox (Medicine)

Team-based learning is a method of incorporating small group teaching in a large group environment, and is gaining popularity across many disciplines. Our presentation describes a recent innovation to utilize TBL as the primary form of "in progress" assessments during the course, replacing weekly quizzes, and the benefits of this model for improved student engagement and student wellness.

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Poster 7


Exploring the Effect of Reflective Practices Using Peer Review in Computer-Science Education

Carrie Demmans Epp & Gokce Akcayir (Computing Science)

Due to rapid changes within the field, computer scientists need to learn on their own throughout their professional careers. To support this process and develop reflective practitioners, we implemented reflective writing practices that were accompanied by peer review in a third-year course.

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Poster 8


Hackatons to Support Teamwork and Project-Based Learning in a Capstone Software-Engineering Course

Eleni Stroulia, Carrie Demmans Epp & Gokce Akcayir (Modern Languages and Cultural Studies)

Increasing enrolments in computer-science (CS) programs present a particular challenge for our capstone software-engineering course, creating a need to redesign the course to maintain the quality of the learning experience. This intense software-development event was held over a weekend and helped reveal possible issues so they could be addressed through timely instructor feedback. This time-constrained rehearsal provided an opportunity for instructors to closely observe and give feedback to each team and individual.

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Poster 9


Providing Timely Feedback Through Continuous Integration in Computer Science Education

Gokce Akcayir, Denilson Barbosa & Carrie Demmans Epp (Computing Science)

To provide timely feedback to computer science (CS) students, we used a professional CS practice that is called continuous integration. This practice allowed students to avoid failure while familiarizing themselves with this professional practice.

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Poster 10


Development and Application of a Single-Point Rubric in Interprofessional Teaching and Learning

Iris C. I. Chao, Sharla King, Chad Gotch & Mary Roduta Roberts (Rehabilitation Medicine)

To present the development and application of a single-point rubric in interprofessional education. Participants will understand how the use of this rubric promotes effective teaching and learning and can create a single-point rubric for their educational assessments if appropriate.

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Poster 11


Integrating Blended Learning into Large Introductory Courses

Andras Marosi & Darby Walton (Alberta School of Business)

Learn about the benefits and challenges of introducing blended-learning in the lab component of a large introductory course.

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Poster 12


Distinguishing Features of an Effective Mandatory Writing Course in Economics

Abdul Aleem (Economics)

The Department of Economics introduced a mandatory writing course called Basic Writing in Economics I. The goal of this research is finding ways to maximize the efficacy of this course.

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Poster 13


Designing a New Flexible and Digital Learning Environment to Support Transformative and Innovative Pedagogy

Tracie Pospisil, Kristan Marchak, Lise Niyuhire & Martine Pellerin (Faculté Saint-Jean)

This presentation we will first provide an overview of the process of designing a new flexible and digital learning environment to support transformative and innovative pedagogy. Secondly, two instructors will share their experience of using the new flexible and digital learning environment.

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