Rental Policies + Driver Regulations

Passengers in U of A Vehicles

Vehicles rented through U of A for university business must only be used for this purpose. Passengers working on other business are not permitted to ride in the vehicle.

Driver's Hours of Service Regulation and Log Books

The provincial driver’s hours of service regulations apply for any vehicles registered over 11,794 kg. Certain UAlberta vehicles require drivers to complete a daily log book per Alberta commercial vehicle:

  • Vehicles that weigh more than 11,794 kg
  • Vans and buses designed to carry ten or more people (including the driver)

All of the following conditions are required for an exemption from completing a driver log when operating a U of A fleet vehicle:

  • Round trip (there and back) mileage is less than 160 km
  • The driver returns to his or her departure location within 13 hours
  • The driver records start of work and end of work
  • The driver is not under a permit or other restriction from Transport Canada (or another commercial vehicle regulation)

Vehicle Inspections

According to Alberta commercial vehicle regulations, vehicles that weigh more than 4,500 kg (such as 3/4-ton pick-up trucks with heavy cargo, most one-ton trucks and trucks rated three-ton or more) require daily driver inspections.

Your Responsibility

When you are driving a U of A vehicle, you represent the university. It is your responsibility to demonstrate professionalism when operating the vehicle and to obey all traffic laws.

Travel Outside Alberta

The University of Alberta has switched to a provincial carrier status, which means no vehicles or vehicle combinations (e.g. truck and trailer combinations) with a combined registered weight over 4,500 kg can operate outside of the province. There is an exception for vehicles rented from an outside vehicle rental company for 30 days or less. You can contact Transportation Services at to make arrangements.

A reserve fund is set up through Transportation Services to assist researchers impacted by the switch to provincial carrier and incur additional expenses to carry out their research/work out of province. For more information contact Transportation Services at

Crossing the Border

If drivers will be crossing the Canada/US border with a university vehicle, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) might ask for documentation that the driver of a vehicle is either the lawful owner or authorized driver of that vehicle. CBP can turn the driver back if they fail to provide such documentation.

Please complete this form to obtain the Vehicle Border Crossing Authority Letter. There is a $25 admin fee for this service.

Need help?

Transportation Services
(780) 492-1920

Fleet Safety Officer
