Dominique Clément
The Royal Society of Canada and its members have elected this year's incoming class of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, naming Professor Dominique Clément from the Department of Sociology, among its 52 honourees.
"These exceptionally talented scholars, artists and scientists have made an outstanding mark in their fields, advancing knowledge and creating a positive impact on the world. We are thrilled to welcome them, knowing they will continue to work towards a better future for all of us based on deep knowledge and understanding of the past and present," says RSC President, Chad Gaffield.
Clément is an internationally recognized authority and Canada's leading expert on the history of social movements and the place of security and human rights within the Canadian national identity. His expertise includes using freedom of information legislation and new technologies for historical research. His website, Canada's Human Rights History, is dedicated to documenting the history of human rights in Canada and is used in universities across the country for research and teaching.
Currently, Clément is the Principal Investigator of a SSHRC-funded national research team that includes numerous community partners engaged in an unprecedented examination of the relationship between public-funding and social movements.
The depth and volume of Clément's publication record is exceptional, netting him a number of prestigious awards including the Canadian Sociological Association's John Porter Tradition of Excellence Award for Canada's Rights Revolution. In 2015, his book, Equality Deferred, was awarded the Canadian Historical Association Clio Book Prize. In 2014 and 2017, he received the Faculty of Arts' Research Excellence Award.
While the breadth of Clément's cross-disciplinary scholarship has contributed to his growing international reputation, perhaps most importantly - it has made the Canadian historical experience relevant to a global audience.
Founded in 1882, the Royal Society of Canada (RSC) comprises the Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences. In 2014, the RSC launched the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists as the first national system of multidisciplinary recognition of Canada's emerging generation of scholars. The RSC recognizes excellence, advises the government and the larger society, and promotes a culture of knowledge and innovation in Canada and with other national academies around the world.
Click here for a full list of Royal Society of Canada Fellows and Members.
Watch Dominique Clément's presentation at the Faculty of Arts' 2018 Celebration of Research: Dragging the Liberal Arts into the Twentieth Century (21st Pending)Dragging the Liberal Arts into the Twentieth Century (21st Pending) from Dominique Clément on Vimeo.