Economics professor Joseph Marchand's study on the effects of the recent minimum wage increase was recently featured in a C.D. Howe commentary and articles in several newspapers.
Gordon Kent from the Edmonton Journal writes, "The NDP plan to boost the province's minimum wage to $15 an hour next year could lead to the loss of 25,000 jobs, according to new study by a University of Alberta economist.The hourly minimum wage is set to rise to $13.60 Sunday from $12.20 before reaching the final figure Oct. 1, 2018, but in a commentary published by the C.D. Howe Institute, Joseph Marchand said these moves could hurt low-wage staff by reducing employment."
To read more on Professor Marchand's findings, please link to the following articles:
CD Howe (Commentary): https://cdhowe.org/public-policy-research/thinking-about-minimum-wage-increases-alberta-theoretically-empirically-and-regionally
Edmonton Journal (free access): http://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/minimum-wage-hike-could-lead-to-25000-job-losses-c-d-howe-report
Globe and Mail (behind paywall): https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/minimum-wage-hike-will-cost-110000-jobs-in-ontario-alberta-reports/article36403293/?ref=http://www.theglobeandmail.com&
Calgary Herald (free access): http://calgaryherald.com/business/local-business/minimum-wage-hike-called-drastic-but-no-impacts-on-employment-yet