Updates for the U of A community, week ending November 6

This week’s edition includes information on: additions to the list of Winter 2021 in-person courses; a new approach to contact tracing if you test positive; guidelines for reading week travel; tracking COVID-19 on U of A campuses; and, ensuring on-campus research space is prepared.

6 November 2020

Posted: November 6, 5:00 p.m.

Winter 2021 in-person course list updated

Today, the list of Winter 2021 courses that will have in-person content was updated. While the list now reflects the majority of courses with in-person content, some more courses may still be added. Winter 2021 course details are being updated in Bear Tracks and will be finalized by November 13.

AHS: If you test positive, tell your close contacts

Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health announced yesterday a new approach for contact tracing due to increasing instances of COVID-19 in the province. Alberta Health Services (AHS) asks that when they confirm a positive test for COVID-19, the individual notify their own close contacts; and, they have provided resources to help do so. AHS will still conduct contact tracing for three priority groups, including:

  • health care workers,
  • minors (parents will still be notified by AHS if their child is exposed at school); and,
  • individuals who live or work within congregate or communal facilities.

The Public Health Response Team will be updating U of A rapid response protocols to reflect these changes next week.

Edmontonians and Calgarians asked to stop hosting home gatherings

In response to growing COVID-19 cases, Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health has asked Albertans in the areas of Edmonton and Calgary to stop holding social gatherings in private homes. See all current gathering restrictions in Alberta.

Quick checklist: Going away for reading week

While travel is not recommended during the pandemic, we recognize that there may be individuals who need to do so this Reading Week. If you do need to travel beyond your regular community, the U of A Public Health Response Team strongly encourages you to:

Tracking COVID-19 on our campuses

To keep our community informed, the University has a new webpage to share the number of on-campus community members who have reported a positive COVID-19 test during the last three weeks by campus. The page will be updated once a week on Wednesdays.

Ensure your on-campus research space is prepared

All on-campus teams are required to conduct continuity planning to prepare for possible extended building closures, employee attendance disruptions, outbreak scenarios, or other COVID-19 related disruptions. Every workspace must be able to shut down, suspend or delegate operations, including research labs and studios, within 24-48 hours. A new checklist is available for research teams to ensure they are prepared to rapidly ramp down their research space.