Pick-up and Purchasing: Supplies Update

April 3, 4:00 p.m. - Updates for employees picking up or purchasing supplies for working remotely.

3 April 2020

Posted: April 3, 4:00 p.m.

Employees who need to pick-up and/or purchase supplies while working from home should keep the following in mind when doing so:

  • If the supplies are readily available at your place of work, arrange with your supervisor for an appropriate time to pick them up.  
  • If you require supplies that aren’t already in stock in your unit’s office, follow normal supply order procedures. This should involve placing a request with the individual who normally orders supplies for your office. 
  • For those ordering supplies, remember that our regular vendor agreements remain in place. 
  • All supplies ordered through SupplyNet and P-Card will continue to be delivered to central receiving at the university. Distribution Services is still providing regular delivery to campus locations. 
  • The individual who purchased the supplies can advise you when the supplies will be available and delivered to the office for pick-up. Don’t forget to confirm pick-up plans with your supervisor. 
  • Once the university returns to normal operations, any unused supplies must be returned to campus.