CMPUT 650 - Computational Semantics
CMPUT 650 is an advanced graduate seminar on computational semantics. The focus is on meaning representations of natural language expressions. This course is concerned with concepts, models and algorithms for interpreting texts using computer programs, and how they relate to the goals of Artificial Intelligence. The students are expected to read research papers, think critically, and participate in group discussions.
The goal of the course is for the students to become familiar with the concepts and algorithms in Computational Semantics, as well as the current state of the art. The students will improve their research skills, including paper writing, reviewing, and presenting.
Course Topics
- word senses and wordnets
- lexical semantics
- semantic roles
- semantic parsing
- synonymy, homonymy, and other semantic relations
- word similarity
- word sense disambiguation
- translational equivalence
- universality and language independence
Course Work
- Projects
- Assignments
- Quizzes
- Paper Reviews
- Participation