Frequently Asked Questions

The information on this page may be modified or updated from time to time. We will collect any feedback, and modify contents, if deemed necessary, from time to time.

Who is eligible?
Any High School Students (grades 10, 11 & 12) are eligible for the High School Internship Program. Typically, there is a preference towards Grade 11 students, students with a background in mathematics or computing, or students with a strong curiosity about computing. 
You are not eligible to apply if you have previously participated in the HIP program.

What hours will I have to work?
In most cases you will be required to be available during normal working hours, e.g. 9am-5pm. The specific hours that you work in a workday will be decided by your supervisor. Some supervisors might permit some flexibility in this schedule, but when you apply you should be prepared to work these hours. Students can spend a maximum of 25 hours each week in-person.

Where is the internship?

How does selection for the High School Internship Program work?
It is important to us that you are well-suited to the project you are working on, and therefore we consider the grades, awards, and your interest in areas of research in computing and related disciplines to determine the best fit for each project.

What are deadlines and important dates I need to be aware of??
HIP Applications opening date will be March 21, 2024.
The application deadline will be April 30, 2024.
Decisions are expected to be announced the week of May 20, 2024.
A match-making session will be held in June 2024.
The in-person component of HIP will start on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 and end on Friday, August 9, 2024.

Is there a specific course grade or average I need to be accepted into the High School Internship Program?
We will consider Math 30-1 (or Math 20-1 if Math 30-1 is not yet taken) and English 20-1 (or English 30-1) in the preliminary selection criteria. A minimum of average 85% is required; beyond 90% the average will not make any difference.

What courses should I include in my online application?
The classes we typically want the grades for are Math 30-1 (or Math 20-1 if Math 30-1 is not yet taken), Computing Studies, and English 20-1 (or English 30-1). You may summarize marks in up to 3 other Science courses(e.g., Bio 20-1, Chem 20-1, and Physics 20-1).

I have not taken Math 20-1 or 30-1, or English 20-1. Can I apply? I am 100% sure I do very well in these courses in the future.

What kind of mark is needed in Math and English?
You need a minimum of 85% in Math 20-1 or Math 30-1. Also, the average of Math and English marks has to be at least 85%.

Is there a limit beyond which marks are not relevant?
Yes. If you have 90% or higher in Math, and the average in Math and English is 90% or higher, marks are not considered for selection.

How will marks in courses other than English and Math be used in the selection process?
The average marks in up to three Science subjects, e.g., Physics 20-1, Chemistry 20-1, and Biology 20-1, may be considered to differentiate in case you do not meet the 90% threshold mentioned in the previous question.

Will awards in sports and music be considered in the selection process?
Yes. In case this is necessary in addition to grades. The awards need to be at a level outside your school at the city/town/municipality and higher (e.g., province/national) levels. We will be working with others to introduce a way to give some weight to these achievements.

Should I submit my application as early as possible, or wait for final marks from the current semester/quarter?
We recommend submitting your application as early as possible. There is no need nor a mechanism to update your marks after you submit your application.

Do you require a transcript from my school?
No. Formal grade report from your regional school authority is not required at this stage, though this may be requested at a later stage.

Can I still apply if I've graduated high school but won't be going to university right away?
Unfortunately, no. Applications are restricted to students who are currently in grade 10, 11 or 12 at the time of application.

If I am going to be away for part of the designated time frame, can I still participate?
Yes. Students can apply for up to 6 weeks. You will be considered even if you can only participate for a few weeks due to travel or summer school commitments during July/August. However, payments can only be given for the number of hours spent in-person at the university. Students can spend a maximum of 25 hours each week in-person.

Can I participate more than once?
You are not eligible to apply if you have previously participated in the HIP program.

What are some examples of projects I might work on? 
Some of the many different projects may be:

  • File systems and operating systems
  • Website design
  • The collection and processing of brain imaging data to study autism and language
  • Computer games
  • Safety applications using low-cost sensing devices
  • Bias in machine learning
  • Natural language processing for social media analysis
  • AI-Human interaction
  • Automated game playtesting

Where can I get my T4 from last year?
Students can access Beartracks to find their T4s. If you are unable to access your T4 please contact the  Staff Service Centre . For more information about how to access your T4 online please visit Tax Slips for Employees.

I'm getting an error message when I try to submit my online HIP form - what can I do?
Some students have experienced technical difficulties using their school account (e.g., EPSB) to submit their application using the Google Form. A solution for some students is to use a different Google account or a different browser. Be sure that you are not signed on to another person’s account who has already submitted their application, such as if you’re using a school network or sharing computers.

I sent an email yesterday but haven't received a response. Can you answer right away?
Due to shortage of personnel and large volume of emails, responses will be delayed. We appreciate your patience and thank you for your understanding.

I have been selected for the HIP matchmaking session; I am guaranteed 6-weeks of paid work this summer?
Not quite:
(i) The initial selection may be followed by verification of grades in some cases where official documents were not already included. Following this, you will need to attend a presentation session at the university where you get to learn about some current areas of research in computing and related disciplines.
(ii) You need to select the topics that you are interested in and send an email confirming this along with the number of weeks you wish to work for.

Some additional clarifications regarding the selection process:
(i) Given the very large number of applications, we are only able to select around 10% of the applicants. Thus, many good candidates could not be selected.
(ii) We give preference to applicants North of Red Deer.
(iii) We limit the number of students selected from each school, so that more schools can be represented.
(iv) Applications missing SchoolZone or PowerSchool grade information were not considered.
(v) Applications with mostly In-progress grades were not considered.
(vi) Brief applications missing details were not considered.