Reflecting on Feelings and Emotions in Graduate, Experiential Learning about Community-Based Research (CBR)
Principal Investigator: Sherry Ann Chapman
Research Team: Wesdyne Otto
Funder: Faculty of Extension
Duration: 2013-2014
Through this project, Sherry Ann and a research assistant, Wesdyne Otto, studied critical reflection and critical dialogue among graduate students and university mentors regarding experiential learning about community-based research (CBR). They conducted interviews and focus groups with a number of graduate student-university mentor pairs and individuals that participated between 2009 and 2013 in the Summer Studentship in Community-Based Research with the Women and Children's Health Research Institute (WCHRI) / Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families (CUP) Science Shop. We studied student-mentor interactions, particularly feelings and emotions that arise amid experiential learning about CBR. An objective of the project is to apply the findings in the development and implementation of curricula about critical engagement, in the practice of CBR, and in the growing scholarship about engagement.
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