University of Western Ontario

Examples of courses offered at the University of Western Ontario that satisfy our prerequisites are listed below. Check with the university for prerequisites, restrictions, program requirements, and recent changes to course listings.

Unless two courses are to be taken in sequence, students are not required to take all of the courses named on this list. Students should take AT LEAST one of the courses listed under each prerequisite category (for a total of 7 prerequisite courses).

PSYCHOLOGY 2850A/B - Statistics for Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY 2851A/B - Statistics for Psychology II
STATISTICAL SCIENCES 1024A - Introduction to Statistics
STATISTICAL SCIENCES 2035 - Statistics for Business and Social Sciences
STATISTICAL SCIENCES 2122A/B - Statistics for Science
HEALTH SCIENCES 3810B - Measurement and Analysis in the Health Sciences

Child Development or Developmental Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY 2040A/B - Child Development
PSYCHOLOGY 2410A/B - Introduction to Developmental Psychology

Cognitive Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY 2135A/B - Introduction to Cognition

Neuroanatomy or Neuropsychology
ANATOMY AND CELL BIOLOGY 4451A - Integrative Neuroscience
REHABILITATION SCIENCES 3062A/B - Functional Neuroscience for Special Populations
ACB 3319: Anatomy and Cell Biology
PHYS 2130: Human Physiology

Introductory Linguistics
ANTHRO/LINGUISTICS 1027A/B - Introduction to Linguistics
LINGUISTICS 2288A/B - Introductory General Linguistics

Articulatory Phonetics
LINGUISTICS 2242B - Phonetics

Child Language Development, Child Language Acquisition or First Language Acquisition
PSYCHOLOGY 3141 F/G - Language Development