University of Toronto - St. George

Examples of courses offered at the University of Toronto (St. George) that satisfy our prerequisites are listed below. Check with the university for prerequisites, restrictions, program requirements, and recent changes to course listings.

Unless two courses are to be taken in sequence, students are not required to take all of the courses named on this list. Students should take AT LEAST one of the courses listed under each prerequisite category (for a total of 7 prerequisite courses).

PSY202H1 - Statistics II
STA221H1 - The Practice of Statistics II
LIN305H1 - Quantitative Methods in Linguistics

Child Development or Developmental Psychology
PSY210H1 - Introduction to Development

Cognitive Psychology
JLP 374 - Psychology of Language
PSY270H1 - Introduction to Cognitive Psychology

Neuroanatomy or Neuropsychology
HMB200H1 - Introduction to Neuroscience
HMB320H1 - Neuroanatomy
PSL440Y1 - Neuroscience I: Systems and Behaviour
PSY290H1 - Physiological Psychology I

Introductory Linguistics
LIN101H1 - Introduction to Linguistics: Sound Structure
LIN102H1 - Introduction to Linguistics: Sentence Structure and Meaning

Both LIN 101 & 102 must be taken to receive credit toward the introductory linguistics prerequisite.

Articulatory Phonetics
LIN228H1 - Phonetics

Child Language Development, Child Language Acquisition or First Language Acquisition
JLP315H1 - Language Acquisition