University of British Columbia

Examples of courses offered at the University of British Columbia that satisfy our prerequisites are listed below. Check with the university for prerequisites, restrictions, program requirements, and recent changes to course listings.

Unless two courses are to be taken in sequence, students are not required to take all of the courses named on this list. Students should take AT LEAST one of the courses listed under each of the prerequisite categories (for a total of 7 prerequisite courses).

BIOL 300 - Biometrics
EPSE 482 - Introduction to Statistics for Research in Education
SOCI 328 - Social Statistics I*
SOCI 418 - Social Statistics II* (both SOCI 328 & 418 must be taken in order to satisfy this prerequisite).
STAT 200 - Elementary Statistics for Applications
STAT 203 - Statistical Methods
STAT 241 - Introductory Probability and Statistics
STAT 251 - Elementary Statistics
STAT 300 - Intermediate Statistics for Applications
PSY 218 - Analysis of Behavioural Data

Child Development or Developmental Psychology
PSYC 315 - Childhood and Adolescence

Cognitive Psychology
COGS 200 - Introduction to Cognitive Systems
PSYC 301 - Brain Dysfunction and Recovery
PSYC 309 - Cognitive Processes
PSYC 333 - Memory: Historical, Clinical and Cognitive Perspectives
PSYC 336 - Psychology of Language 1
PSYC 363 - Neuroscience of simple learning

Neuroanatomy or Neuropsychology
PSYC 304 - Brain and Behaviour
AUDI 402 - Neuroanatomy for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (online course)

Introductory Linguistics
LING 100 - Introduction to Language and Linguistics
LING 200 - Linguistic Theory and Analysis I*
LING 201 - Linguistic Theory and Analysis II* (both LING 200 & 201 must be taken in order to satisfy this prerequisite)

Articulatory Phonetics
LING 313 - Introduction to Linguistic Phonetics and Speech Science

Child Language Development, Child Language Acquisition or First Language Acquisition
LING 222 - Language Acquisition