University of British Columbia - Okanagan

Examples of courses offered at the University of British Columbia Okanagan that satisfy our prerequisites are listed below. Check with the university for prerequisites, restrictions, program requirements, and recent changes to course listings.

Unless two courses are to be taken in sequence, students are not required to take all of the courses named on this list. Students should take at least one of the courses listed under each of the prerequisite categories (for a total of 7 prerequisite courses).

BIOL 202 - Introduction to Biostatistics
GEOG 271 - Geographic Data Analysis
HMKN 205 - Method of Data Analysis
PSYO 271 - Introduction to Data Analysis
PSYO 372 - Research Methods and Statistics
PSYO 373 - Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
STAT 230 - Elementary Applied Statistics
STAT 240 - Applied Statistics II

Child Development or Developmental Psychology
PSYO 220 - Lifespan Development
PSYO 321 - Child Development

Cognitive Psychology
PSYO 219 - Introduction to Cognition
PSYO 312 - Cognitive Processes (no longer offered)
PSYO 310 - Learning
PSYO 311 - Memory
PSYO 313 - Visual Perception

Neuroanatomy or Neuropsychology
PSYO 230 - Biopsychology of Behaviour
PSYO 334 - Neuroscience of Cognition

Introductory Linguistics
ANTH 170 - Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
WARNING: If a student wishes to continue linguistics courses at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, they must be aware that the Linguistics Department in Edmonton does not accept this as an equivalent to their introductory course - Ling 101. Thus the student may be required to take Ling 101 despite having completed the course from UBC Okanagan.

Articulatory Phonetics
ANTH 270 - Phonetics

Child Language Development, Child Language Acquisition or First Language Acquisition
The University of British Columbia Okanagan lists no course specifically related to this topic.

Upon admittance to the program, all students must complete an Indigenous History in Canada Course.

(* if you choose not to take the Indigenous Canada MOOC certificate course online and have taken a course prior to admission)
HINT 408 - Cultural Safety in Health: Indigenous Perspectives
INDG 100 - Introduction to Colonization: Indigenous Studies