Supply Chain

The UAlberta MBA with a focus on Supply Chain Management allows you to complete the same core business courses all MBA students complete, a choice of free electives tailored to your interests and also courses with a supply chain focus. The Supply Chain Management stream covers operation and distribution management, negotiations, procurement, and strategic supply chain management. The courses are a mix of theory and practice involving case studies and/or team projects offering students hands-on preparation for their careers.

Supply Chain Management Profession Designation


The UAlberta MBA focused on Supply Chain Management has been accredited by the Supply Chain Management Association Alberta. This entitles UAlberta MBA in Supply Chain Management graduates, who have achieved a grade of B or higher and complete the program within the last five (5) years, to be exempt from the following components of the Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) designation program:

Module 1: Supply Chain Management

Module 2: Procurement and Supply Management

Module 4: Operations and Process Management

Workshop 1: Leadership and Professionalism

Workshop 6: Ethical Behaviour and Social Responsibility

The exemption applies only to the above-noted components, eligible MBA graduates are required to complete all SCMP program requirements before the SCMP designation can be granted by the Supply Chain Management Association Alberta.

MBA in Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Courses

OM 502: Operations Management
This course focuses on (1) the competitive advantage that a business unit can derive from innovative and efficient production and delivery of its goods and services and on (2) analytical approaches that are useful in understanding and improving an organization's operations. Specific modules include process diagramming and analysis; measuring and managing flow times; inventory control and optimization; supply chain coordination and operations strategy. Cases will be used to illustrate operational efficiency and its significance to the profitability of a firm. Prerequisite: MGTSC 501
BUEC 641: Strategic Procurement
Increasing competition and globalization of the supply chain have made cost competitiveness and procurement effectiveness key to successful business performance. Best-in-class procurement practices are essential to attaining global supply chain competitiveness today. This course introduces students to the principles of procurement and how they can help enhance cost and supply chain efficiency. Learning outcomes will be both strategic and tactical including topics such as the business function of procurement, the procurement process and organization, trends in organizational design, quality management, make - buy decisions, strategic cost management, strategic and global sourcing, supplier selection and management, inventory strategies, category management, performance measurement and evaluation, RFP (Request for Proposal) and contract management, negotiations and conflict management, and electronic sourcing.
BUS 640: Strategic Supply Chain Management
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and how it relates to a firm's competitiveness. Emphasis will be placed on the role of SCM in transforming global business practices and relations. SCM informs how a firm would source, design, produce, and market its products in today's global environment. Topics will include global business trends, current supply chain practices, international procurement, logistics and inventory management, performance assessment, supply management and SCM strategy in a global environment. Prerequisite: BUEC 503
OM 604: Bargaining and Negotiation
This course is a blend of both experiential learning and theory with the objective of making the student more effective in all types of bargaining. A study of positive theories on how to improve negotiation skills will be combined with analytical models of the game theoretic structure of bargaining. Through this mix of theories and several case studies and bargaining exercises, students will see both the opportunities for joint gain (win-win) and the constraints which can lead to inferior outcomes. Prerequisites: First year MBA core courses.
OM 661: Distribution Management
This course will deal with the economically efficient distribution of goods and services from their points of creation to the customers. Topics will include strategic decisions, such as aggregate distribution plans and warehouse location, as well as operational decisions, such as selection of delivery routes and dispatching. This course has a significant microcomputer component. The potential of geographic-information-systems as a profit tool will be demonstrated.