Yilu Xing, MFA Printmaking: 吃得开 eat the open

2022–23 Ticket Information

FAB Gallery, 1-1 Fine Arts Building
University of Alberta
(780) 492-2081

Gallery Hours
Tuesday to Friday

Admission is free. Masks are strongly recommended indoors on the University of Alberta campus.

Yilu Xing, MFA Printmaking: 吃得开 eat the open

November 22 – December 17, 2022

FAB Gallery
Second Floor

Opening Reception

University of Alberta faculty, staff, students and invited guests
Friday, November 25
FAB Gallery

About the Exhibit

吃得开 (eat the open) is a Chinese adjective that describes a state of being popular; when people are involved, food always eats the open. 吃得开 eat the open is an exhibition that explores the connections and relationships created through the making and sharing of food. In the repetitive process of buying groceries, cooking meals, dining out, documenting food, and learning to cook from family members, I try to find a harmonious state of connecting with myself, people around me, and my cultural background.

About the Artist

Yilu Xing is an artist based in amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton) in the Treaty 6 region of Alberta. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Alberta University of the Arts with a major in Printmaking and a minor in ceramics. Immigrating from China at a young age, her definition of home is deeply rooted in food and familial traditions. She is enthusiastic about food and the human connections that food generates. By creating works about food, through which everyone might establish emotional relationships regardless of their backgrounds, she shares her stories and expresses parts of Chinese culture's happiness, comfort, and nostalgia.

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