Eszter Rosta: fifty-nine events

2021-22 Ticket Information
FAB Gallery, 1-1 Fine Arts Building
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Eszter Rosta: fifty-nine events
February 23 - March 18, 2022
FAB Gallery
Gallery Hours: Tuesday to Friday from 12:00pm–5:00pm
fifty-nine events is a cumulation of performance-based video works that speculate the affordances of mediated happenings and performance art documentation. The soliciting, collecting, and (re)performing of performance scores, submitted through a Call for Participation by diverse subjects, culminate in a year-long performance project that oscillates in the discursive space between histories and contemporaries of performance art praxes.
In navigating exchanges with a digital public, and more personal, painful documents of a time passed, the show offers itself as a humble contribution to the lineage of performance discourse; re-imagining how performance art, its documentation, and mediation afford affective moments in a world where physical proximity is restricted. This exhibition functions as an embodied archive of performances of mediated connection, relational encounter, love, and loss.