Madrigal Singers Car Choir Brunch Fundraiser

The U of A Madrigal Singers are hosting a very unique and COVID-19 friendly event using the safety and comfort of our vehicles. The choir will be performing together using microphones in each separate vehicle. We will be able to hear one another through the use of a FM Transmitter in order to hear one another through our car radios. We will be performing this unique concert from the University of Alberta’s Parking Lot N (closest to the Fine Arts Building and HUB Mall). The parking lot is reserved for this event.
The performance will last between 60-75 minutes and include talking and introductions from members of The Madrigal Singers and director Dr. Timothy Shantz. As an added bonus, you can choose from three options to pre-order a brunch meal, catered by “Under the High Wheel” and handed to you upon registration at the event.
Tickets for the concert are $25 per vehicle (not per person). Bring your household and even your entire family.
Please note that sightlines cannot be guaranteed. You will likely be able to see conductor Dr. Timothy Shantz who will also take a moment to run through the parking lot and wave.
Honking is the appropriate applause for this event.
Come and enjoy a live musical experience! Proceeds from this concert support The Madrigal Singers.