Bachelor of Arts Honors in Drama Degree Program Guide

Bridge the gap between theory and practice with this exciting and competitive Honors program that empowers students to take their passion for Drama to new heights. “DRAMA 402 - Tutorial Fourth-Year Honors Essay” is a special course where Drama Honors students will create unique essays under the supervision of a full-time faculty member, giving students the opportunity to build strong relationships in their academic community and position themselves well for future graduate studies.

Throughout this four-year degree program, you will combine theory and practice while engaging in the many aspects of the theatrical process. The flexibility of the BA program will allow you to build your own degree, and concentrate your theatre courses in the areas that most interest you. The BA Drama program here at UAlberta has a strong focus on performer-created theatre. That means we emphasize the creation of theatre, as well as the interpretation of theatre. It's the difference between performing a script that was written by someone else or performing a work that was born out of one's own creative process.

Academic Requirements for Drama Honors students

General Requirements and Information
  • Honors in Drama requires a minimum of 48 units, maximum of 72 units in Drama (at the junior and senior levels)
  • Promotion from year to year requires a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a minimum GPA of 3.3 in Drama courses
  • Graduation with Honors in Drama requires a graduation average of at least 3.0 with an average of at least 3.3 in all Drama courses. Graduation with First Class Honors requires a minimum average of at least 3.7 on all Drama courses in the last two years and an average of 3.5 or better on all courses in the two final years (last 60 units)
Course Requirements
  • DRAMA 103 - Critical Analysis of Playtexts
  • DRAMA 150 - Making and Performing Theatre
  • DRAMA 203 - Performance Analysis
  • DRAMA 208 - Theatre History I
  • DRAMA 257 - Scene Study I
  • DRAMA 279 - Introduction to Theatre Production
  • DRAMA 306 - Historical Approaches to Western Dramatic and Theatrical Theories
  • DRAMA 308 - Theatre History II: Modern Theatre
  • DRAMA 401 - Research and Critical Writing Skills
  • DRAMA 402 - Tutorial Fourth-Year Honors Essay
  • DRAMA 406 - Contemporary Approaches to Dramatic and Theatrical Theories
  • DRAMA 409 - Contemporary Theatre
  • 3 units from your choice of:
    • DRAMA 302 - Modern Canadian Theatre
    • DRAMA 312 - Indigenous Theatre in Canada
Additional Notes
  • DRAMA 402 (Honors Essay) will be completed under the supervision of a full-time faculty member of the Department, will start in the Winter Term of the third year and continue through the fourth year

Academic Requirements for Drama Combined Honors students

General Requirements and Information
  • A Combined Honors degree in Drama and another discipline requires a minimum of 36 units (at the junior and senior levels) in Drama and a minimum of 36 units in the other discipline
  • With the permission of the Honors Advisor, students pursuing Combined Honors in Drama and another discipline may write a combined honors essay (INT D 520) that is supervised jointly by faculty from both departments and whose subject integrates both disciplines. In these circumstances, students will complete INT D 520 in place of DRAMA 402
Course Requirements
  • DRAMA 103 - Critical Analysis of Playtexts
  • DRAMA 150 - Making and Performing Theatre
  • DRAMA 203 - Performance Analysis
  • DRAMA 208 - Theatre History I
  • DRAMA 306 - Historical Approaches to Western Dramatic and Theatrical Theories
  • DRAMA 308 - Theatre History II: Modern Theatre
  • DRAMA 401 - Research and Critical Writing Skills
  • DRAMA 406 - Contemporary Approaches to Dramatic and Theatrical Theories
  • DRAMA 409 - Contemporary Theatre
  • 3 units selected from:
    • DRAMA 402 - Tutorial Fourth-Year Honors Essay
    • INT D 520 - Combined Honors Essay
  • 3 units selected from:
    • DRAMA 257 - Scene Study I
    • DRAMA 279 - Introduction to Theatre Production
    • DRAMA 361 - Playwriting
    • DRAMA 383 - Introduction to Directing
Additional Notes
  • In a Combined Honors program, students must meet the promotion and graduation standards of both disciplines. The requirements in Drama are outlined above

The University of Alberta Calendar will always contain the most up-to-date degree requirements for your program, and your requirements are determined by the calendar year you were admitted in.

What kinds of courses can Drama Honors students take?

  • DRAMA 101 - Introduction to Theatre Art
  • DRAMA 102 - Play Analysis
  • DRAMA 149 - Theatre Making for Everyone
  • DRAMA 203 - Performance Analysis
  • DRAMA 240 - Voice for Performance
  • DRAMA 279 - Introduction to Theatre Production
  • DRAMA 302 - Modern Canadian Theatre
  • DRAMA 312 - Indigenous Theatre in Canada
  • DRAMA 331 - Movement and Physical Theatre
  • DRAMA 402 - Tutorial Fourth-Year Honors Essay
  • DRAMA 452 - Solo Performance
  • DRAMA 453 - Physical Comedy

What kinds of careers can you pursue with a Drama Honors degree?

There are many different fields and career paths that students can pursue with a Drama Honors degree. From performing arts to production management, graduates are equipped with project management, public speaking and creative thinking skills to name a few, that are assets in today’s job market. Although there is a list of career options below, it is important to understand that careers are not linear. Intentionally engaging in a variety of activities and following your curiosities will open new opportunities that you might not have expected. To learn more about how you can put your Arts degree to work, stop by the HUB Career Centre (8917 HUB Mall) for more information.

  • Actor
  • Director
  • Playwright/Screenwriter
  • Voice Actor
  • Stage Manager
  • Light and Sound Designer
  • Set Designer
  • Arts Administrator
  • Educator (Professor, Secondary or Primary)
  • Arts Journalist & Critic
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Workshop Facilitator
  • Cultural Programmer
  • +More!

Interested in gaining work experience related to your career goals? If so, apply to Arts Work Experience to gain full-time, PAID, work experience before you graduate!

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