Bachelor of Arts Honors in Classics Degree Program Guide

Joining the Classics Honors program will give you the opportunity to be part of a small cohort of students with similar interests and talents. You will have the chance to research and write a major project that reflects your main academic interests, and you will work closely with a faculty adviser/mentor. A Classics Honors degree will also strengthen your application to graduate school, law school, or wherever your life path may take you.

Classics is the study of all aspects of the lives of the ancient Greeks and Romans. You can study their artwork, their culture, their history, their languages, their literature, their philosophy, their technology, their social and scientific views of the world around them, and the artifacts they left behind. Gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural, intellectual, and historical roots of modern society, enhancing your understanding of contemporary issues and contributing to a well-rounded, informed worldview.

Academic Requirements for Classics Honors students

General Requirements and Information
  • Minimum 61 units, maximum 73 units in GREEK, LATIN and/or CLASS
  • Promotion from year to year requires a GPA of at least 3.0 with an average of at least 3.3 in all CLASS and GREEK and LATIN courses
  • Graduation with Honors in Classical Studies requires a graduation average of at least 3.0 on the last 60 units completed at the University of Alberta with an average of at least 3.3 on all CLASS and GREEK and LATIN courses. Graduation with First Class Honors requires an average of at least 3.7 on all CLASS and GREEK and LATIN courses taken in the two final years and an average of at least 3.5 on all courses in the two final years (last 60 units)
Course Requirements
  • 18 units selected from GREEK and/or LATIN courses
  • 6 units from your choices of:
    • CLASS 102 - Greek and Roman Mythology
    • CLASS 103 - Introduction to Ancient Greece
    • CLASS 104 - Introduction to Ancient Rome
    • CLASS 110 - The Ancient World
  • Completion of the Honors Proseminar course, CLASS 503 - Introduction to Classics as a Discipline for Honors Students
  • Completion of the Honors Essay course, CLASS 500 - Fourth-Year Honors Tutorial
  • 33 units of your choices of additional CLASS, GREEK and/or LATIN courses, with at least 18 units at the 300 level or above, including at least 6 units at the 400 level
Additional Notes
  • No single course can be used to satisfy multiple course requirements
  • Students wishing to enter graduate study in Classical Studies are strongly advised to consult the Honors Advisor

Academic Requirements for Classics Combined Honors students

General Requirements and Information
  • A minimum of 36 units in CLASS and/or GREEK and/or LATIN, with at least 18 units at the 300 level or above, including at least 6 units at the 400 level
Course Requirements
  • The Honors Essay (CLASS 500, GREEK 500, or LATIN 500) or a Combined Honors Essay, INT D 520, may be included for 3 of the minimum 36 units
  • The Honors Essay requirement may be filled in one of three ways:
    • An Honors Essay in Classics (CLASS 500, GREEK 500, or LATIN 500)
    • An Honors Essay in the student’s other discipline (does not count toward the 36 units)
    • A Combined Honors Essay (requires special permission, see Honors Essay). Consult the Honors Advisor for further information
Additional Notes
  • Interested students must consult the Honors Advisor in Classics. In a Combined Honors program, students must meet the promotion and graduation standards of each discipline

The University of Alberta Calendar will always contain the most up-to-date degree requirements for your program, and your requirements are determined by the calendar year you were admitted in.

What kinds of courses can Classics Honors students take?

  • CLASS 102 - Greek and Roman Mythology
  • CLASS 110 - The Ancient World
  • CLASS 220 - Introduction to the Methodology, Theory and Practice of Classical Archaeology
  • CLASS 261 - Women, Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World
  • CLASS 284 - History of the Byzantine Empire
  • CLASS 303 - Religion in Greco-Roman Antiquity
  • CLASS 330 - From Alexander the Great to Cleopatra: The Hellenistic World
  • CLASS 376 - Early Civilization I
  • CLASS 500 - Fourth-Year Honors Tutorial
  • CLASS 503 - Introduction to Classics as a Discipline for Honors Students

What kinds of careers can you pursue with a Classics Honors degree?

There are many different fields and career paths that students can pursue with a Classics Honors degree. From museum curation to foreign service, graduates are equipped with communication, research and critical thinking skills to name a few, that are assets in today’s job market. Although there is a list of career options below, it is important to understand that careers are not linear. Intentionally engaging in a variety of activities and following your curiosities will open new opportunities that you might not have expected. To learn more about how you can put your Arts degree to work, stop by the HUB Career Centre (8917 HUB Mall) for more information.

  • Museum Curator
  • Archivist & Conservator
  • Researcher
  • Archaeological Field Technician
  • Educator (Professor, Secondary or Primary)
  • Film & Television Production
  • Writer & Translator
  • Educational Consultant
  • Policy Analyst
  • Diplomat or Foreign Service Officer
  • Cultural Affairs Specialist
  • Librarian
  • Information Specialist
  • Heritage Educator
  • Tourism and Travel Coordinator
  • +More!

Interested in gaining work experience related to your career goals? If so, apply to Arts Work Experience to gain full-time, PAID, work experience before you graduate!

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