Betsy Boone meets the Queen of Spain

Professor M. Elizabeth (Betsy) Boone met with Her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain after presenting her new book in Madrid on Friday, May 24.

Department of Art + Design - 31 May 2024

Professor M. Elizabeth (Betsy) Boone met with Her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain after presenting her new book in Madrid on Friday, May 24. España y América: Construcción de la identidad en las exposiciones internacionales, a Spanish translation of “The Spanish Element in Our Nationality”: Spain and America at the World’s Fairs and Centennial Celebrations, 1876–1915, was first published to much acclaim by Penn State University Press. In her presentation, Betsy made special reference to the need to look at one’s (and another’s) national and cultural identity from as many sides as possible. The event was co-sponsored by the Fundación Ramón Areces in Madrid and the Queen Sofía Spanish Institute in New York, and a recording of her remarks (in Spanish), are available on the foundation’s YouTube channel. Betsy’s comments begin at 2:13:35.

Reina Sophia and Betsy Boon in conversation in the centre of a group of onlookers

Her Majesty Queen Sofía of Spain and Professor Betsy Boone (centre left and centre right) in conversation in the midst of a group of onlookers. Photo supplied.