Graduate Student Wins CASCA Award

Anthropology graduate student Carly Dokis has won the Richard F. Salisbury Award from the Canadian Anthropology Society/Société Canadienne D'Anthropologie this year. Carly's doctoral

6 May 2009

Anthropology graduate student Carly Dokis has won the Richard F. Salisbury Award from the Canadian Anthropology Society/Société Canadienne D'Anthropologie this year.

Carly's doctoral research concerns the impacts of oil and gas development, and planned development in Dene communities along the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline corridor. She writes about the political and legal ambiguities that complicate the consultation process over resource issues in the three communities where she has conducted fieldwork. Through her documentation of the discourse in the pipeline inquiry and in informal interviews, she explores Nation-to-Nation and local understandings of treaty relationships, and the ways that actual and potential effects of oil and gas production in the Sahtu are understood by, and communicated by members of Dene communities to the commission of inquiry, industry bodies, and the wider public.

The following description of the Salisbury award may be found on the CASCA website, at


The Richard F. Salisbury student award is given in memory of Dr. Richard Frank Salisbury, a founding member of the McGill University Department of Anthropology as well as the McGill Centre for Developing Areas Studies. Dr.

Salisbury was the author of From Stone to Steel (1962) and A Homeland for the Cree (1986). His leadership on the James Bay Project helped the James Bay Cree and the Government of Quebec work out the historic treaty that has become a model for reconciling aboriginal autonomy with economic development. Dr. Salisbury passed away in 1989.

The Richard F. Salisbury Student Award is given each year to a PhD candidate, enrolled at a Canadian university, for the purposes of defraying expenses incurred while carrying out dissertation fieldwork. The winner of each award is also invited to present their preliminary findings to the annual meeting of the Canadian Anthropology Society/Société Canadienne D'Anthropologie."

We send congratulations to Carly for this notable recognition of her research efforts thus far.