Master of Science (MSc)

The Department of Human Ecology offers both course-based and thesis-based Masters programs.

Course-based programs are professional degrees intended mainly for practicing professionals who wish to update or upgrade existing knowledge and skills, or to acquire new competencies (eg. when changing subject matter focus). In addition to required course work, course-based students must complete a capping exercise that focuses on the direct application of knowledge to practice.

Thesis-based programs emphasize acquiring the skills and knowledge required to conduct original research and are intended to serve students who wish to pursue research careers (policy, community-based or laboratory research), or who wish to progress to a doctoral program. In addition to required course work, thesis-based students must complete a piece of independent, original research.

Length of Programs

The time to complete the thesis-based master's degree will vary with the individual candidate; however, for those entering the program with a background in a related discipline, it normally takes two years of full time study to complete the program. The course-based program is designed to be completed in 12 months of full-time study. Our program welcomes and accommodates part-time students.


MSc in Family Ecology & Practice

Become a member of one of the research teams that, together with government and community partners, conduct policy and program-relevant studies that aim to enhance the well-being of children, youth and families - with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable including older adults and adults with chronic illness or disability.

Research Topics in Family Ecology & Practice

Family Science faculty specialize in family theory, and family policy and practice across many dimensions including parent-child relationships, work-family integration, family and friend caregivers, couple relationships, family poverty, and social inclusion of older adults. In conducting research about family dynamics, and working with government and community partners, the broad aim of the research programs is to enhance the well-being of children, youth and families across the life course.

MSc in Textiles & Clothing

Clothing and textiles play a central role in our lives, acting as our nearest physical environment. Cutting edge research in Human Ecology is carried out with a multi-disciplinary focus that aims to enhance human performance and protection through textile and clothing solutions. Join the Department's textile scientists in their quest for knowledge of how clothing systems interact with the wearer and their physical, physiological and socio-psychological environments to enhance the wearer's comfort and safety.

Research Topics in Clothing & Textiles

Innovative research is pursued by the Human Ecology Department's textile science and apparel design faculty to enhance human comfort and protection through clothing and textile solutions for items ranging from protective gear, uniforms, and sportswear to clothing for disabled persons. This research reflects the critical function textiles and apparel have as our nearest physical environment. Researchers in the department have distinguished themselves in the fields of fiber science with a focus on areas such as material response under various thermal hazards, combustion of textile materials, odour transfer, standards development and functional apparel design.

Research websites

Graduate Positions

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