Best Papers Awards
General Track:
Best Student Paper Awards:
1st Place
Tim Brys, Yann-Michaël De Hauwere, Martine De Cock, and Ann Nowé
Solving Satisfiability in Fuzzy Logics with Evolution Strategies
2nd Place
Ayman Mansour, Hao Ying, Peter Dews, Yanqing Ji, and R. Michael Massanari
Identifying Adverse Drug Reaction Signal Pairs by a Multi-Agent Intelligent System with Fuzzy Decision Model
Best Paper Awards:
1st Place
Karen Villaverde and Vladik Kreinovich
Locating Local Extrema under Interval Uncertainty: Multi-D Case
1st Place
Sepideh Sedehizadeh, Mohammad Hossein Fazel Zarandi, and I. Burhan Turksen
A Hybrid Approach to Developing Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System
3rd Place
Jadwiga R. Ziolkowska
A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Approach for Evaluating Biofuels Feedstocks
Special Session Track:
Best Student Paper Awards:
1st Place
Mauricio A. Sanchez, Oscar Castillo,
Juan R. Castro, and Antonio Rodriguez-Diaz
Fuzzy Granular Gravitational Clustering Algorithm
2nd Place
Mohammad R. Rajati and Jerry M. Mendel
Solving Zadeh's Swedes and Italians Challenge Problem
3rd Place
Roberta Dyck, Rehan Sadiq, Manuel
Rodriguez, Sabrina Simard, and Robert Tardif
Fuzzy-based Fugacity Model for Propagating Uncertainty in Assessing Swimmer Exposures to Disinfection by Products
Best Paper Awards:
1st Place
Mohammad M. Korjani and Jerry M. Mendel
Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA): Challenges and Application
2nd Place
Fernando Gaxiola, Patricia Melin, and Fevrier Valdez
Backpropagation method with type-2 Fuzzy Weight Adjustment for Neural Network Learning
3rd Place
Itziar García-Honrado
How to introduce Fuzzy Logic in Schools
and High Schools
Aims and Scope
NAFIPS 2012 aims to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners to present the latest achievements and innovations in the area of fuzzy information processing, to discuss thought-provoking developments and challenges, to consider potential future directions.
The topics cover all aspects of fuzzy systems and their applications including, but not limited to:
• fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
• mathematical foundations of fuzzy sets and fuzzy systems
• approximate reasoning, fuzzy inference models, and soft computing
• fuzzy decision analysis, decision making, optimization, and design
• fuzzy system architectures and hardware
• fuzzy methods in data analysis, statistics and imprecise probability
• fuzzy databases and information retrieval
• fuzzy pattern recognition and image processing
• fuzzy sets in management science
• fuzzy control and robotics
• possibility theory
• fuzzy sets and logic in ontology, web, and social networks
• fuzzy preference modelling
• fuzzy sets in operations research and manufacturing
• fuzzy database mining and financial forecasting
• fuzzy neural networks
• evolutionary and hybrid systems
• intelligent agents and ambient intelligence
• learning, adaptive, and evolvable fuzzy systems