Conference Presentations, Invited Addresses, Workshops
| 1977
| 1979 | 1980
| 1981 | 1982
| 1983 | 1984
| 1985 | 1986
| 1987 | 1988
| 1989 |
|1990| 1991
| 1992 | 1993
| 1994 | 1995
| 1996 | 1997
| 1998 | 1999
| 2000 | 2001
| 2002 | 2003
| 2004 | 2005
| 2006 |2007|
Conference Proceedings
(1986). "What is Semiology?" in Preceding of CSEA/SCEA, Annual Meeting, Montreal, 1986. pp. 103-134. Ed. David York. Nova Scotia Press: Nova Scotia.
(1987). "Comments on 'Becoming a Teacher,' and 'Being' a Teacher." In Understanding Curriculum as Lived: Curriculum Canada VII. Edited by T. Aoki, K. Jacknicke, D. Franks. Proceedings of 7th. Invitational Symposium of the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies. Center for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction: University of British Columbia Press, pp. 57-59. 1987.
jagodzinski, jan and Brigitte, Hipfl Youth (2000). Fantasies: The X-Files. In Children, Youth and the Media: Beyond the Millennium. CD. The Alliance for Children and Television, The American Center for Children and Media, The Jesuit Communication Project. Summit 2000, Media Education. Toronto, Canada, May 13-17th, 2000.
Conference Presentations, Invited Addresses, Workshops (1977-2004 )
" Aesthetics, Aesthetic Education and Art Education," Research Reporting Session, CSEA/SCEA CONVENTION, Calgary, October 1977.
"Aesthetic Paradigms," Lecture given at the UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS to graduate students, June 21, 1979.
"Art Workshop," October 24, l980, Digby, Nova Scotia, NOVA SCOTIA DISTRICT.
"Environmental Art," Lecture delivered at ART GALLERY OF NOVA SCOTIA, November 10, 1980.
" Women and Art History," Guest Lecture for Soc. 200, Women Studies, Mount Saint Vincent, November 27, 1980.
" CBC Interview in relation to film series developed in conjunction with Mount Saint Vincent Art Gallery, January 26, 1981.
"A Paradigm Analysis of Art and Science," for FACULTY SEMINAR, Mount Saint Vincent, February 5, 1981.
"Brief- What's Wrong with Art Patronage!" to the FEDERAL CULTURAL POLICY REVIEW COMMITTEE, February 17, l981.
"Art and the Environment," CHILD STUDY SATURDAY WORKSHOPS, March 7, l981.
"Queries Regarding the Art of the Very Young," to the PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF NOVA SCOTIA, March 12, l981.
"A Phenomenological Methodology for Art Education," lecture given at the NOVA SCOTIA COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN, Department of Art Education, March 17, l981.
"The Future of Art Education in Our Canadian Pre-School Programs," THE CANADIAN CHILD IN THE 80's CONFERENCE, March 19, l981.
"Phenomenological Investigations; Is Aesthetics a 'Pure' Dimension." Paper given at CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR EDUCATION THROUGH ART (CESA), Edmonton, Alberta, October 7, l981.
"Art and Technology," Invited speaker to address the ART TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, Nova Scotia, Acadia University, October 27, 1981.
"Towards a Critical Hermeneutic Foundation for Art Education: Art as Praxis. Paper presented on April 7, l982 for the 22nd. Annual Convention of the NATIONAL ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (NAEA), New York, April 2-7, l982.
"A Critique of E. Eisner's The Imaginative Vision in affiliation with the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education, 22nd. NATIONAL ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, New York, April 2-7, l982.
"A Metatheory Concerning Curriculum Theorizing, AMERICAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (AERA), Montr?al, April 11-15, 1983
"Historical Criticism for the Humanities Based Research into the Mainstream: Criticism," 23rd. NATIONAL ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Detroit, March 25-29, 1983.
"A.I.M. and the Dilemma of Post-Modernist Art," 23rd. NATIONAL ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Detroit, March 25-29,1983.
"The A.I.M. Statement: Perspectives From the Social Caucus," 23rd. NATIONAL; ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Detroit, Friday, March 25, 1983.
"Cultural Democracy vs. the Democratization of High Culture," 23rd. NATIONAL ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Detroit, March 25-29, 1983.
"The Arts in Canadian Society: A Critical Examination, "CANADIAN SOCIETY OF EDUCATION THROUGH ART, Toronto, Ontario, Thurs. Oct. 6, 1983.
"Report on Art Teacher Education," CSEA/SCEA National Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, Friday October 7, 1983.
"Responding to the Image World: New Possibilities for the Art Curriculum," 24th. NAEA, Miami, Florida, Friday, March 30, l984.
"The Question of Radical Aesthetics," 24th. NATIONAL ART EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Miami, Florida, Saturday, March 31, l984.
"The Evolution of Aesthetic Consciousness," 24th. NAEA, Miami, Florida Sunday, April l, l984.
"(1) Evolution of Aesthetic Consciousness," (2)" The History of Bourgeois Aesthetic Perception," (3),"Sacred Aspects of Art," invited speaker to NOVA SCOTIA COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN for a series of three presentations, January 28- Feb.3, l985.
"Young and Alive in 85" workshop on creativity with ALBERTA CULTURE, Saturday, Feb. 23, l985.
"Correspondence Art," Workshop presented to EDMONTON SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD, March 15, l985.
"New Language in Art Criticism: Conveying Sound Aspects of Aesthetic Experience," 25th. NAEA, Dallas, Texas, April 20th, l985
"Gender and Architecture," 25th. NAEA, Dallas, Texas, April 19, l985.
"The Evolution of Aesthetic Consciousness: Its Protocultural Genesis," 25th. NAEA, Friday, Dallas, Texas, April 19th. 1985.
"An Ecological Aesthetic: Notes Towards a 'Green' Frame of Mind," 25th. NAEA, Dallas, Texas, April 25th., 1985.
"A Response to H. Pearse's 'A Hermeneutics of Teacher Evaluation'," CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR CURRICULUM STUDIES, April 25-27, University of Alberta, l985.
"The Role of Art in Society: A Critical Examination," CSEA/CSSE, October 17, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1985.
"Correspondence Art", INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE ON PEACE EDUCATION, July 9, Edmonton, l985.
"Curriculum in Light of Six Ways of Being Aesthetically Human," 7th. ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON CURRICULUM THEORIZING, Bergamo Conference Center, Dayton, Ohio, October 19th. l985.
"Arts in a Democracy," Panel member with D. Blandy and K. Kongdon (University of Ohio), 26th. NAEA, New Orleans, April 4th. l986.
"The Poverty of the Hermeneutic Enterprise," 26th. Annual NAEA, New Orleans, April 7th., l986.
"Semiotics, the Chic Science: A Critique," CANADIAN SOCIETY OF EDUCATION THROUGH ART, October l8th. l986, Montreal .
"Reclamations: Finding the Self Through Artistic Pedagogy," Symposium I organized under the title: Reclaiming Lost Lives: Consequences of the Denial of Self in Education. (with Dr. June Buchanan, and John Unsworth) 8th. Annual meeting of JOURNAL OF CURRICULUM THEORIZING CONFERENCE, Bergamo Center Dayton, Ohio, October, 22-25, l986.
"Gender and the Curriculum," FINE ARTS CONFERENCE, Edmonton, Alberta, April 16th. 1987
"Grammatologically Speaking: Semiology and Its Application to Art Education," 27th. NAEA, Boston, Mass. April 22-26th, l987.
"Is there a Distinct Feminist Aesthetic?" presented under the auspices of the Women's Caucus, 27th. NAEA, Boston, Mass. Thurs. April 23rd. l987.
"The Parasite: Exploring the Elitism of Ralph Smith's Excellence in Art Education,' Invited panelist to respond to the new NAEA publication on excellence. A performance piece 'delivered' on Friday April 23, l987 at 27th. NAEA meeting Boston, Mass.
"Whatever Happened to Presence: Post Structuralist and Post-Modernist Impact on Arts Education" JOURNAL OF CURRICULUM THEORIZING, Bergamo Conference Center, October 29-31, l987.
"The Post-Modernist Dilemma, Death of the Author and Other things!" WAVES CONFERENCE, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Nov. 2-5, l987.
"What Do Feminists Want: The Question of Gender and Art Education" with Dr. June Buchanan, CSEA/SCEA Halifax, Nova Scotia, Nov. 5-7, l987.
"What Do Feminists Want: The question of Gender and Art Education." CSEA/SCEA, Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 6, 1987 with Dr, June Buchanan.
One of eight invited participants to Wave Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. November, 1987. Title: "The Post-Modernist Dilemma, Death of the Author and Other Things"
"Performance: The Conference as Ritual." 28th Annual National Art Education Association, April 8, 1988, Los Angeles.
"The German Perspective in Art Education." 28th Annual National Art Education Association, April 9, 1988, Los Angeles.
"Lacan and the Issue of Feminist Art- Women Caucus," 28th Annual National Art Education Association, April 9, 1988, Los Angeles.
University of Michigan, Lansing " invited Canadian scholar- lecture for a series of three lectures Aesthetics-April 27-29, 1988 1) "The evolution of aesthetic consciousness 2) teaching art education as praxis 3) the six ontological realms of aesthetic education
"Deconstruction and Film Theory: An Examination of the Beleaguered Male Ego " Annual Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, May 19- 21, 1988. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario.
"Six Ontological Realms of Aesthetic Meaning," Canadian Society for Aesthetics/ Societe Canadienne d'esthetique, " Canadian Learned Societies in Windsor, May 31- June 2, 1988.
"Art Education and the Crisis of Postmodernism" 34th Annual Assembly of the Canadian Society of Education Through Art/ Societe Canadienne d'Education Par L'art. October 6-8, 1988. Presentation given on Saturday Oct. 8, 1988
"Deconstruction: The question for Pedagogy," with Dr. Bill Baker, Community College of Philadelphia for the Curriculum Theorizing Conference, Bergamo Conference Centre, October, 26-30th, 1988.
"Applied Grammatology: A Performance. " Curriculum Theorizing Conference, Bergamo Conference Centre, October 26-30th, 1988. Organized Panel with two doctoral students: Joe Norris and Charles Hart entitled Autobiography, Authorship and Authority. Personal presentation entitled "The 3 A's of Education: Philosophical Underpinnings " Curriculum Theorizing Conference, Bergamo Conference Centre, October, 26-30th, 1988. Attendance 50+
"Postmodernism in Art " (two lectures). Saskatchewan Arts Education Conference '89, October 13th, 1989.
"Representations of Women and Men in Teaching" Multimedia Performance with Dr. Glen Hudak, SUNY, Albany. Curriculum Theorizing Conference, October 22, 1989.
"Postmodernism and Grammatology: The Issues for Art Education" 29th National Art Education Association meeting in Washington, April, 10, 1989
"Men in Feminism " 29th National Art Education Association meeting in Washington, D.C. April, 11, 1989.
"Postmodern Dilemmas For Art Education " 29th National Art Education Association meeting in Washington, D.C. April, 12, 1989.
"Research Reporting Session, " National Arts Education Association, April 5-9, 1990, Kansas City, Missouri.
"Ecosophy and Pedagogy," Invitational International Pedagogy Conference, Banff May 30 - June 2, 1990.
"Too Frightened To Teach?, "with Dr. Glen Hudak, International Media Conference, British Film Institute, London, July 9-12, 1990.
"Revisiting Men in Feminism," Curriculum Theorizing Conference, October, 1990 paper title: "M(y)nefiled of Pheminism and Art Education" Respondent : Jo Anne Pagano, Colgate University
"Feminist Criticism in Art Educational Thought, "Curriculum Theorizing Conference, October 1990.
"Feminist Criticism in a Postmodern Frame of Mind " With Dr. Elizabeth Garber: Curriculum Theorizing Conference, October 1990.
"Panel entitled: Men in Feminism Revisited: What Are the Possibilities of the Impossible?" Curriculum Theorizing Conference, Bergamo (October, 1990), Dayton Ohio.
"AIDS and the Issues of Representation: Questions for Health Education." Organized Media Panel at 1990 AERA Conference in Chicago - SIG Media, Culture and Curriculum, with Buckingham (U of London), G, Hudak, C (SUNY) Richards, (U of London), B. Hipfl (University of Klagenfurt). Paper respondent Joel Taxel: University of Georgia
"Art and Eco Philosophy" AERA Conference in Chicago, 1990, for Arts SIG Group
"Critical and Nihilistic Aspects of Postmodernism: Implications for Art Education for the 21st Century." NAEA National Art Education Conference, March 20-24, 1991. Atlanta Georgia.
"The Question of Representation: The Case of AIDS as a Paradigm Case For Media Representation." ITSO (IV International Television Studies Conference), July 24-25, 26, 1991 London, England
"Hidden Discourse in Education" along with Dr. G. Hudak and Dr. Baker., Curriculum Theorizing Conference, Bergamo, Dayton, Ohio, October, 12, 1991.
Organized chaired and responded to an international panel: Popular Media, Cultural Representation and Gender Formations in the Curriculum 20.48, April 21, 1992. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, April 20-24 San Francisco AERA, Participants: L. Smith, University of Wisconsin, B. Hipfl, University fur Bildungswissenschaften Klagenfurt, K. Swan, SUNNY Albany, G. Hudak , SUNNY Albany, C. Richards, London University, D. Buckingham, London University.
Chaired the Media, Culture, and Curriculum SIG Membership Meeting 49.10. April 23rd. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, April 20-24, 1992
Chaired and developed agenda for the Caucus on Social Theory in Art Education Business Meeting NAEA National Art Education Association Phoenix Arizona May 1-5, 1992 (Friday, May 1st )
"The Question of Difference: Art Education in a Postmodern Context " Sunday, May, 3rd. NAEA National Art Education Association Phoenix Arizona May 1-5, 1992
Chaired and organized Caucus on Social Theory Constitutional Meeting - May 4th. Monday NAEA National Art Education Association Phoenix Arizona May 1-5, 1992.
"Postmodern Allegories and the Politics of Difference: Hollywood's Incorporation of Alterity " for Medias: entre Fiction et Realite. Universite de Bourgogne Congres International, Dijon Nov. 27-28, 1992
"Postmodern Allegories and the Politics of Difference: Hollywood's Incorporation of Alterity" Dec. 8, 1992, University fur Bildungswissenschaften Klagenfurt
Organized Caucus on Social Theory Constitutional Meeting - April 2nd. 23rd. Annual Meeting NAEA National Art Education Association Chicago April 1-5, 1993. Awarded Exemplary Leadership award , NAEA Board of Directors
"The Politics of Difference: The Fate of Art in an Age of Identity Crisis" Organized International Panel on Intercultural Art Education: Dilemmas of the Postmodern Diaspora. INSEA (International Art Education Society) - August, 17th, 1993. with Glenn Hudak (Hofstra University), Cameron McCarthy (U of Illinois, Champaign), Zeena Moore (SUNY), B. Hipfl ( U of Klagenfurt).
"Remembering Education (Sign Wars in Education). Exhibition for Curriculum Theorizing Conference, University of Dayton Oct. 20-23, 1993.
"Postmodern Nostalgia of Art Education" 24th Annual National Art Ed. Association, Baltimore, April, 1994.
"Media Dialogue, Round Table Discussion," American Research Association, New Orleans, May, 1994.
"Masculinity in Overdrive, the Hyperaestheticization of Media Violence" (with Brigitte Hipfl), Learned Societies in Calgary, Canadian Communications Society, June 10-14, 1994.
"An Analysis of Klaus Hipfl´s Documentary Filmic Discourse of the Bosnian Conflict: From Close Reading to Reception," (with Klaus Hipfl and Brigitte Hipfl), First Conference on Turbulent Europe, July 18th- 25th, 1994.
"The Nostalgia of Art Education: Reinscribing the Master´s Narrative," Child Conference, Jasper, Alberta, Canada 1994, October, 2-4, 1994.
"Reinscribing the Master's Narrative," Canadian Society for Sociology, Learned Societies Conference, Montreal 1995.
Participant in the GKM (Gesellschaft fur Medienpadagogik und Kommunikationskultur) Tagung (Seminar): Arbeitsgruppe: Medien and Ethik (Workshop on Medienkompetenz), Munster, Germany Feb. 28- March 2, 1996 Seminar on media competence and ethics.
29eme Congres Mondial pour l'Education Artistique, Lille France. "An Ecoaethetic Consciousness for the 21st century" (Congress canceled due to bankruptcy)
Seminar Presentation at the University of Klagenfurt, "Cultural Studies, Identity and Difference" June 4, 1996.
Miming, Feigning and Refusing, and Rejecting the Phallus: Sex/Gender at Play in the House of Mirrors, George Washington University, APCS Conference (Association for Psychoanalysis of Society & Culture), Washington DC, Nov. 7-10, 1996
Dec. Friday 13, 1996: Munchen: Youth Conference (attended)
Panel Voices of Color: Art and Society in the Americas, Women's Caucus for Art- 10:45-12:15, Feb. 7-12, 1997
Bodies in Pain, Saturday, March 8, 1997, 2- 3:45. Culture and Violence Conference: An International, Interdisciplinary Conference. George Washington, DC, March, 7 -10.
Youth Fantasies of Consumption (with Dr. B. Hipfl): UNESCO, Les Jeunes et Les Media Demain: Problematics et Perspectives (Youth and Media Today: Problems and Perspectives (Paris: France April 21-25, 1997.
Interview for Radio Finland on Youth Fantasies (UNESCO), April 23rd., 1997.
Reportage of Research on Youth to Seminar Class: Klagenfurt University, May, 23, 1997
Art Education With Downcast Eyes: Part 2: Perception Through a Psychoanalytic Frame of Mind: Both As Poison and Cure, Symposium in Honor of Dr. Ron N MacGregor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. June 27-28, 1997.
Bodies of Excess: Begehren Oder Trieb. Association for Psychoanalysis and Social Change (APCS), George Washington University, Washington, DC, Nov. 5-8, 1997.
Board Meeting of the Caucus on Social Theory in Art Education, National Art Education Association, Chicago, April, 1-5, 1998,April 1, (20 in attendance)
Art Education and Psychoanalysis, National Art Education Association, Chicago, April, 1-5, 1998 (April 3, 1998).
The "Non-perception" of Art, National Art Education Association, Chicago, April, 1-5, 1998 (April 4, 1998).
The Truman Show: Implications for Media Education (part 1) CPIn (Curriculum Pedagogy Institute) Presentation, Education South, R. 423, April 20, 1998 12:00-1:30, 20.
The Truman Show: Implications for Media Education (part 2), CPIn (Curriculum Pedagogy Institute) Presentation, April 21, 1998 12:00-1:30.
Can Art Be Progressive? Catastrophe and the Real in Body Art. III. Internationalen Tagung des InkriT: "Fortschritt neu denken"/ Rethinking Progress, International Conference sponsored by Institute for Critical Theory and the journal, boundary 2 (May 12-16, 1998), Berlin , Germany.
Invited speaker for the Aesthetics: East and West - Symposium of the Academie du Midi (May 25-28, 1998) (Alet-Les-Bains, Southern France) Paper prepared but not presented: The Aesthetics of Disappearance: Real Encounters Between East and West.
The Oral Eye. Psychoanalysis and the Visual Arts, June 24-26, 1998, Goldsmith College, University of London, sponsored by UAPS (Universities Association for Psychoanalytic Studies).
Bodies in Pain: Youth Tattooing and Piercing. Fifth Annual Aesthetics Conference sponsored by the International Aesthetics Association, (Sept. 3-7, 1998), Ljubljana, Slovenia (Sept. 5, 1998).
Association for Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, University of Emory in Atlanta, Nov. 8-10, 1998. Organized panel entitled: The Vicissitudes of Pedagogical Authority: Challenges and ResurErections with Doug Aoki (Dept. of Sociology, U of Alberta) and JC. Couture (Dept. of Secondary Ed.) Paper presentation " "The Unsaid in Pedagogical Discourses: Phallic Challenges and Escape Attempts."
1999 (Sabbatical, July 1-Dec. 31)
The Oral Eye: An Escape Attempt with Truman Burbank. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS), New York, October 28-31, 1999.
Postmodern Fantasies in Art Education. National Art Education Association, Los Angeles, March 31-April 4, 2000.
Reading Curriculum Discourses Psychoanalytically. AERA New Orleans, April 21-27, 2000.
Reading Curricular Texts Psychoanalytically. The Internationalization of Curriculum Studies Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana April 27-30, 2000.
Youth Fantasies: The X-Files. with Brigitte Hipfl, (University of Klagenfurt). The Alliance for Children and Television, The American Center for Children and Media, The Jesuit Communication Project. Summit 2000, Media Education. Toronto, Canada, May 13-17, 2000.
Reading Teaching Stories Psychoanalytically: The Case of Jaime Escalantes (Stand and Deliver). Sixth Annual Conference, Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, Education and the Unconscious, The University of California--Santa Barbara, Nov., 3-5, 2000. (Sat., Nov. 4th).
Thinking about Hybridity of Media Identity: Some Intercultural Examples, sponsored by European Institute of Intercultural Studies, Beyond Imagined Communities? Nov. 10-12, 2000 Klagenfurt Austria.
An Introduction to Lacan. CPIn (Curriculum Pedagogy Institute), 2-3:30, Feb. 2, 2001
What to Accept and Reject in Lacan: Introduction to Symposia. Organized Symposium: Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Implications for Research in Society and Culture March 10, 2001 9-5.00.
Dialogue with JSTAE Authors with volume 21. National Art Education Association, Thurs. March 15, 2001.
Jacques Lacan's Deconstruction of Perception: Implications for Art Education. National Art Education Association, March, Sun. 17, 2001, 11:00-11:50 Madison Suite, Hilton.
Lacan, Buddhism and Levinas. Academie du Midi/ Alet le Bain, Ethics East and West The Ethics of the Real, June 4-9, 2001.
Bodies of Performative Excess, Keynote Address to Austrian Society of American Studies, October 26, 2001, (Oct. 27-30, 2001).
Fossil Objects of Perception. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS), Washington, DC. Nov. 9-11, 2001
Impossible Compatibility: Lacan and Butler on Sex/Gender, Sex-and-Gender Differences, Education, and Culture, An Interdisciplinary Mini-Conference in the Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Saturday, Nov. 24, 2001.
Authors Round Table Vol. 22 JSTAE, National Art Association, Miami Beach, (March 22-26, 2002) Sat. 23, 8:00-8:50
The Best Teacher in America Stands and Delivers. AERA, New Orleans, April2-5, 2002 (presentation 12:35-1:50, Friday, April 5).
The Aporias of Sex/Gender: Curricular Implications, American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, March 29, April, 2002, New Orleans. (March 30, 2002).
The Culture of the Woman's Body in Postmodernity. Saturday, April 13, 2002, 3:15-4:30, 8th Annual Conference in the Human Science, George Washington University, Washington, DC, "Understanding Subjectivity in Culture: Psychoanalysis /Ethnography/ Cultural Studies.
Reality TV: A Symptom of Our Times, IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature), 3-8 June 2002 Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Attendance at The Jouissance of Transgression: Lacan and Crime, Sunday- Monday, March 10-11, 2002. New York, New York, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law: Yeshiva University.
Sabbatical 2002 July1-Dec 31.
Fantasieraume in Computerspiele: Padagogische und Ethische Fragen. (Fantasy in Computer Games: Pedagogical and Ethical Questions). (mit Brigitte Hipfl Vortrag bei des Internationalen Tagung, "Grenzenaberschreiten in Bildung und Schule ( Overcoming Boundaries in Education and Schooling), Klagenfurt, PDA (Padagogische Akadamie; September 19-21, 2002. (20.9, 2002)
The Jouissance of Authority: The Emotional Turmoil in Lean on Me. Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society, "Emotions," Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Oct. 25-27, 2002
Masculine Authority in Art Education," University of Pennsylvania, October 28, 2002. Invitation by Dr. Karen Kiefer Boyd.
Research in Art Education: Psychoanalytic Questions. University of Pennsylvania, October 29, 2002. Invitation by Dr. Karen Kiefer Boyd.
Postmodern Racism. GETCA (Greater Edmonton Teachers Conventions). ( Feb, 27, 2003) 9-10:15
Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Art Education. National Art Education Association, Minneapolis, 4-8, 2003 (Friday, April 4, 2003).
Author's Roundtable V. 23 of JSTAE/CSTAE, 3 - 3:50 National Art Education Association, Minneapolis, 2003 4-8 (April 5, 2003).
The Ethics of the Real: Questions for Education in a Time of Waning Superego. AERA, Chicago, Illinois. (April 22, 2003 Tuesday, 4:05:00 PM-5:30 PM)
Chair for Panel Popular Theatre as Arts-based, Participatory Pedagogy and Research, 12:25-1,55 Wed. April 23.
The Question of the Real for Art Educators, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Wed., April 23, 2003. 6-7:30.
The Oral Eye: Putting Film Art into the Abyss, IPLA, The International Association for Philosophy and Literature. 27th Annual Conference in Leeds, England 26-31, 2003, Writing Aesthetics (Wed, May 28 6.05).
The Myth of Violent Video Games: Challenges to Art Education, INSEA: International Society for Art Education. August 2-8 (Stockholm-Helsinki-Tallinn), (August 8, 2003 1400-14.55).
Participant: Formations of the Clinic in the Lacanian Field English-Language Seminar in Paris, France. Thurs-Fri-Sat June 26, 27, 28, 2003 The Clinic of Transference: Jacques Lacan's Seminar VIII
New Approaches to Film Education, American Education Research Association, Wednesday, April 14th, 2004 San Diego, CA 12-16, 2004.
Roundtable Session for JSTAE Vol. 24, National Art Education Association, Denver, Colorado, April 15-20, 2004, (Saturday, April 17, 5-5:50)
Art Education as Visual Culture: Critical Rem(a)inders. National Art Education Association, Denver, Colorado, (April 15-20, 2004). Panel with Kevin Tavin and Olivia Gude, 11-11:50 Sunday, 18, 2004.
Psychoanalysis and Art Education: New Possibilities. National Art Education Association, April 15-20, 2004, (Monday, April 19, 2004).
The Trauma of the Image: Prison "Abuse" in Abu Ghraib Prison, featured Presentation (Oct. 2, Saturday), 25th Canadian Art Therapy Conference: Engaging Communities, Connecting Cultures: An Art Therapy Approach, September 30-Oct., 3, 2004).
9/11: The Fossil Object. Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, 2004, 5th International Conference, Champagne-Urbana, Illinois, June, 25-28, 2004. (presentation 26, June, 2004). (University of Illinois)
Pedagogical Desire: Lacanian/Deleuzian Implications The Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theorizing and Classroom Practice, University of Dayton, Ohio, October 21-23, 2004. (Saturday 1:15-2:30, Bordeaux).
National Art Education Association, Annual Meeting in Boston March 4-8, 2005
1) The Rigors of Arts-based Research,
March Friday 4th, with Mike Emme and Miriam Cooley
2) The Fourth Dimension in VR, Sunday March 6th, 2005
3) Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, Business Meeting 6:00-6: 50. March
4) Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, Authors Round Table -7:00-750.
March 7th
5) Writing for the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education 8:00-850, March
AERA, Critical Issues in Eastern Thought, New Horizons in Curriculum, The Gaze of the Teacher: Eye to Eye with Lacan, Derrida and the Zen of Dogen and Natashini, 6:15-8:15, April 11th , 2005, Montreal
The Inverted Drive in Andrzej Zulawski's Szamanka: A Lacanian Reading of the Post-Femme-Fatal, Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies, The Cinema of Central Europe, Thurs., April 21, 2005. 326 Senate Chamber, Old Arts Building, University of Alberta.
The Use of Unconscious RefleXivity in Contemporary Film Narratives, Contemporary Narrative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 4-8th, 2005
For 2005-2006 report
1) The Trauma of the Image: Prisoner 'Abuse' in Abu Ghraib Prison, IVSA Conference 2005, International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA) Conference 2005 (August 3-5), Dublin (August 4, Thurs. was my presentation) Trinity College Re-Viewing Bodies: Embodiment, Process, and Change Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland 3 - 5th August, 2005
2) October 13, 2005 The Trauma of the Image: Prisoner Abuse at Abu Ghraib Prison. Kevin Tavin - The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago , Ill. 100+
3) International Visual Culture Art Education Conference, October 14-16, University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana. Respondent
4) Aesthetics in Visual and Material Culture Symposium, October 17-18, University of Illinois? DeKalb (Kerry and Doug)
5) Insides Outsides and Elsewheres, Canadian Association of Cultural Studies Conference, Oct. 20-23; The Virtual in the Time Cinema of Deleuze: The Case of the Elephant" (October 22, 9:00-10:30)
6) The Rigors of Arts Based Research, October. 28, with Mike Emme and Miriam Cooley. The Arts in Education Conference (Alone and Together), Canadian Society for Education Through Art (along ATA, Fine Arts Council), Alone and Together Conference Oct. 27-30th, 2005 (Sutton Place, Edmonton)
7) Association for Psychoanalysis for Culture and Society, (Psychoanalysis and Community), November 4-6th), Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New York. Paper "The Psychoanalytic Ruminations of Critical Art Ensemble (CAE): The Cell as the Emerging New Community, Saturday 1:00-2:45 (Panel, Reality, Fantasy and the Media). Chair, Henry Krips; with High Curnutt , Ian Reyes and Jennifer Friedlander.
8) CPIn Presentation Friday, Visual Arts Research with Diane Conrad, gale Gorman, Jason Wallin, my contribution CAE: (Critical Art Ensemble: A Paradigm Case of Visual Arts Research, Friday, November 18, 2005 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM, 358 South, Education Center, University of Alberta
9) Philosophers Caf?, Library (Edmonton Room) Sat. November 19th, 2005 Violence in Video Games: Psychoanalysis, Education, Culture (70 attended)
10) Aufwachen in einer Digitalen Welt, Internationaler Medienkongress 24-25, Nov. 2005 (TGM - die Schule der Technik) Panel Chancen und Gefahre durch Medien (mit Stephan Aufenanger, H Brigite Hipfl, Mag. Thomas Lutz, mod. Dpl.-Ing. Christoph Raber
Title: Zum Transformativen Potential von Musikvideos (+ 70)
11) CPIn Presentation Friday, December, 12, 2005 Violent Videos A Psychoanalytic Approach
12)Queer Presentation: Inside? OUT 2005/2006 Speakers’ Series
Can Lacan Offer Anything to Queer Studies? Thursday March 16, 2006
Radio Broadcast
13)Cybersubjects of Video Violence, presented to The School of Chicago Visual Institute, March 22, 2006.
14) National Art Education Association, Chicago, Illinois 22-26, 2006
Sat., March, 25, 2006 Authors’ Roundtable , Vol. 25, 2005
15)National Art Education Association, Chicago, Illinois 22-26, 2006, Writing for the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education with Bill Wightman, Sat. March, 25, 2006
16)The Impossibility of Portraiture, NAEA, Sunday, 26, 2006 (10:00-10:50)
17)Teacher College, invited speaker, Threat in Youth: Cultural Studies Takes on Violence and Education, Second Annual Cultural Studies Conference at Teachers College Columbia University, March 31st and April 1st, 2006, New York, NY.
18)Saturday April 1st 3:15? Video Game Cybersubjects, The Ethics of Violence and Addiction: A Psychoanalytic Approach
19)European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment (EASLE) Conference April 28th-May 1st, 2006 “Water: Literary, Cultural and Environmental Perspectives”, “Wasser: Literarische, kulturelle und okologische Perspektiven”? Sonntag, den 30 . April/Sunday, April 30, Examining Water as a Theme in Eco-Art: Between Feminine and Masculine Sublime ?Section D2-2, The visual representation of water ! 11:30-1pm.
20)IAPL (International Association for Philosophy and Literature), Is There a Micropolitics of Deleuzean Time Cinema? The Case of Gus Vant Sant’s Elephant, June 5-10, Freiburg, Germany. Presentation on June 7.00
21)Zizek Conference, in Cardiff, Invited speaker September15-16, 2006
22)The Danish Cartoon Controversy. Association for Psychoanalysis for Culture & Society, October 19-22, 2006
23)Invited Speaker (Gaiskel Lecture award) CSEA and Manitoba Association for Art Education, September 25th.? Winnipeg 23-25, 2006, On the Impossibility of Art Education: Art as Becoming?Posthuman.
24)CPIN ? December 1, 2006 "Challenges to/for the Pedagogical Imagination: On Ethics, Evil and the Uncanny" Dr. jan jagodzinski, Jason Wallin, Gayle Gorman, and Dr. Diane Conrad, Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta, Friday December 1st 2:00 ? 3:30 p.m., Room 358, Ed. South
Vizcult meeting on Video Games, Orlando, Florida 8-11, February.
Invited Keynote Speaker British Columbian Art Teachers Association (Feb. 16-17), Kamloops, British Columbia, BCATA held at Westsyde Secondary School. Presentation: About Face: The Impossibility of Portraiture.
Invited Lecture, Visiting Artist Lecture Series, University of Southern Connecticut University, New Haven, Connecticut, March 12, 2007, Earl Hall Room 2002 1-2:30.
NAEA (47th) Critical Visual Cultural Research: Deconstructive, Psychoanalytic and Poststructuralist Possibilities. Beekman Parlour 2nd floor? in New York panel on arts based research (with Gayle, Jason, Maria) (March, 16, 8-8:50)
Invited lecture for Studies in Art Education; “Postmetaphysical Art Education: Challenges to Designer Capitalism (Fri, March, 16, 2007) 7:-8:50.
Upsetting the Dreams of the Comfortable: The Need for "Unprofessional" Exploits in our Profession” (March, 15, 2007) 4-4:50 with Olivia Gude, Kevin Tavin, Theresa Quinn and Deborah Smith-Shank
Author’s Round Table JSTAE Vol. 27, 2007. Presenter with Bill Wightman 6-6:50 Concourse F.
Popular Culture in the Classroom: Tech, Think, Play Conference? March, 24-25, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY., “Between Borat, Zizek, Michael Moore and the Edukators : Kynicism and Anti-Revolution as Popular Resistant Strategies in the Age of Designer Capitalism 2:35-3:20- 3:30-3:35 Q&A
Psychoanalytic Contributions to Curriculum Theory, Educational Research and Teaching. Panel arranged by Peter Taubman with William Pinar, Paula M Salvio, Discussant Madeline Grumet, My presentation: Between Buffoon and Saint: Lacanian Pedagogy in the Era of Cognitive Science. AERA, Chicago, Friday April 13, 2007
CIPIN The Posthuman Portrait April 16th Between Buffoon and Saint: Lacanian Pedagogy in the Era of Cognitive Science
International Philosophy of Language and Arts (IPLA), “The Elephant Man,” Nicosia, Cyprus (June 4-9,2007)
The Analyst’s Discourse: Questions but No Answers, Workshop: Psychoanalysis, Media, and Politics, June 6, 2007 15:30-19:00 HS 6 (Mensagebaude), University of Klagenfurt
International Society for the Education Through Art (INSEA), ‘What’s Wrong with Visual Cultural Studies?” Heidelberg, Germany, 18-20. July. (with Brigitte Hipfl)
November 1-4 (Rutgers University) Association for Psychoanalysis of Society & Culture
Saturday, November 3:? 9:00-10:15am
Responses to Anxiety, Alienation Activism: Hans Weingartner’s The Edukators, Werner Herzog’s The Grizzly Man, and American Hardcore: The Co-optation of Punk (1980-1984)”
Jan Jagodzinski (Chair)
University of Alberta
“The Edukators: Questioning Youth Revolt”
George Washington University
John Bird
University of the West of England Michelle Masse
Louisiana State University
jan jagodzinski
University of Alberta
Jem Thomas
University of West England
Anne-Marie Cummins
University of West England
Room A
Public Art: Uses and Abuses
jan jagodzinski (chair)
University of Alberta
NAEA - Three scheduled presentations
AERA - 2 scheduled presentation
Updated on May 26, 2006