A. Client Assessment and Therapy
We assess and treat stuttering of all degrees of severity.
Before enrolling in treatment, clients need an assessment to determine the best approach to therapy. During the assessment staff evaluate clients speech and communication skills, probetheir responses to treatment techniques, and discuss goals and components of therapy. Young children are assessed through an enjoyable play format. Clients who cannot come to Edmonton for the assessment may contact the Institute for other options.
Clients may seek an assessment without enrolling in therapy.
The therapy program is the beginning of a long rehabilitationprocess, but a beginning that is a solid and supportive step toward increased fluency. Clients learn how to:
- use new speech skills that enhance fluency
- manage speech and related anxieties
- transfer new speech skills to various settings
- improve overall communication effectiveness
- deal with ongoing challenges of maintaining improved fluency and attitudes
- devise a home practice program
B. Professional Workshops and In-service
Staff give workshops to speech-language pathologists and other professionals in North America and overseas on request. Workshops of this kind have been given across Canada and the USA as well as in Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Kuwait.
- Intensive Clinics
- Semi-intensive Individual Sessions
- Non-intensive Individual Sessions
- Refresher Clinics
More than 25 years of research underlie the therapy approach, first published as the Comprehensive Stuttering Program in 1985 (Boberg & Kully), and continually modified to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. Special programs for children have been developed. Treatment varies according to age and degree of stuttering and is tailored to individual needs.
Treatment takes place in an interactive format where clients work directly with a clinician. Client-to-clinician ratio ranges from 1:1 to 1:3, depending on the type of program and particular needs of clients. If needed, computerized programs are used to augment treatment.
Older children and adults learn to manage their speech through fluency skills relating to breathing, voice initiation, articulation and speech rate. They work to overcome speech fears and avoidances and to build confidence, social skills and self-management abilities. Because therapy is not a cure, ongoing effort and commitment are necessary to maintain new speech patterns and attitudes.
Young children may be treated largely through the parents or directly by the clinician. In general, the earlier treatment is given, the faster and more permanent are the gains. Early intervention is important to prevent stuttering from becoming established and interfering with social and emotional development. Parents concerned about their young children's fluency are urged to contact the Institute or a local speech pathologist who has expertise in working with young children who stutter.
Family involvement is strongly encouraged in adult programs and is essential in children's therapy.
Results of treatment are very positive. Several scientific studies using rigorous measures have been published in professional journals.
The Institute is a non-profit society. Fees charged cover only part of the cost of giving therapy. The remainder is covered by donations from the Elks and Royal Purple of Alberta and Canada, other agencies, and many generous individuals who wish to make therapyavailable to as many people as possible. We receive no funding from the Government or the University.
The fee schedule (available from the Institute) includes a list of possible sources of financial aid. Private therapy fees are tax deductible in Canada as a medical expense. Clients may also apply for the FAST Fund to help cover the cost of therapy.
Financial Assistance for Stuttering Treatment (FAST) Fund.
In order to make therapy more attainable for those in need, an anonymous donor has set up a fund that will pay up to 85% of the therapy fee, depending on the means of the client. The fund is administered by the Alberta Stutterers Association. Prospective clients will receive application forms from the Institute along with their information packets.
While attending spring and summer intensive clinics, adult and teen clients are encouraged to stay at a nearby University of Alberta student residence even if they live in Edmonton. It is easier to change speech patterns in a new environment and the group support is very helpful. During the third week of treatment, clients may return to their homes or stay elsewhere so as to transfer the new speech to more usual surroundings. Family and friends may also stay in the residence if they wish. Meals can be taken there in the cafeteria or in many nearby restaurants. Room rates are moderate.
Important Note: children and teens MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult while staying at the University residence.
Family involvement is strongly encouraged in all programs but is essential in children's therapy, where parents:
- observe and take part in therapy sessions
- help with home practice
- attend scheduled meetings
- supervise their child outside clinic hours and during therapy breaks
- Boberg, E. & Kully, D. "Long-term results of an intensive treatment program for adults and adolescents who stutter." Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, Vol 37, 1994.
- Kully, D. & Boberg, E. "Therapy for school-age children." Seminars in Speech and Language, Vol 12,1991.
- Langevin, M. & Boberg, E. "Results of an intensive stuttering therapy program." Journal of Speech Language Pathology & Audiology, Vol 17, 1993.