I am currently the Canada
Research Chair in Intelligent Energy Systems and an
Associate Professor in the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University
of Alberta, Canada. I am affiliated with both Energy
Systems Research Group and Communications
Research Group. Before joining the University of
Alberta, I received my Ph.D. degree from the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Waterloo, Canada, in 2013. From 2013 to 2014, I was a
postdoctoral research fellow in the Broadband
Communications Research (BBCR) Lab and Electricity
Market Simulation and Optimization Lab (EMSOL) at
the University of Waterloo, where I had co-founded and
coordinated a Smart
Grid Research Group.
My research is interdisciplinary in nature across the
fields of power and energy systems and information and
communication systems. Along with the preeminent
researchers from all over the world, I am looking for
major breakthroughs in energy efficiency, reliability,
security, and sustainability.
For prospective
students and visiting scholars:
I am currently looking for Ph.D. Students
and Postdoctoral Fellows to work in several exciting
interdisciplinary research areas including intelligent
energy systems, smart grid, cyber-physical security, and
energy and spectrum efficient wireless networking.
Preference will be given to students with strong
background in power and energy systems, wireless
communication networks, big data analytics, cyber
security, stochastic modeling, optimization, and/or
automatic control.
I also plan to host a selected number of
visiting scholars, undergraduate research assistants, and
Co-op students in related areas.
If interested, please send your CV,
transcripts, TOEFL/IELTS scores, and any other useful
information in one email. Thesis, sample publications,
and/or technical reports which can reflect your research
and presentation skills are highly welcomed.
For more information about the University
of Alberta, City of Edmonton, Canada, and graduate course
suggestions, please visit the Useful
Information section.

Hao Liang
Canada Research Chair in Intelligent
Energy Systems
Professor, Ph.D.
Office 11-215
Donadeo Innovation Centre
for Engineering
University of Alberta
9211-116 Street NW,
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 1H9
Telephone: (780) 248-1887
Email: hao2@ualberta.ca
Email (Mobile Device):
My research
interests are in the areas of intelligent energy systems, smart
grids, and wireless communication networks. Currently, I am working
on the following research topics:
- Stochastic modeling and optimization in smart
- Cyber-physical security of smart grid
- Large language models (LLMs), deep neural
networks, and machine learning for industrial applications
- Quantum computing for smart cities
- Microgrid planning, operation, control, and
- Distribution system operation with distributed
generation and energy storage devices
- Energy management of electric vehicles and
vehicle-to-grid systems
- Green buildings and smart home energy
- Joint planning and operation of electric power
system and communication network in smart grid
- Energy efficient wireless networking
- Resource management in delay tolerant networks
and vehicular networks
- Cross-layer design and optimization
- Big data analytics
- Cloud and fog computing
ECE 730 Advanced Topics in Energy Systems - Smart Grid
Fundamentals: Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall
2017, Fall 2016
ECE 330 Introduction to Power Engineering: Fall 2020, Fall 2019,
Fall 2018, Winter 2018, Winter 2017, Fall 2015 (Prerequisite: ECE
203 Electrical Circuits II)
ECE 432 Variable Speed Drives: Winter 2022, Winter 2019, Winter
2018, Winter 2017, Winter 2016, Winter 2015 (Prerequisite: ECE 332
Electric Machines)
ECE 730 Advanced Topics in Energy Systems - Smart Grid Operation
and Communications: Fall 2015
ECE 710 Wireless Communication Network - Guest Lecture on Smart
Grid Communications: Spring 2014, Spring 2013
Paper Award, 2023 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical
and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2023), Regina, SK, Canada (Our paper
was one of the three outstanding paper awards out of 101
publications.) [Announcement]
Canada Research Chair in Intelligent Energy Systems -
Renewal, since 2022 (Current and former Chairs constitute
about 4% of academic researchers in Canada, according to the 2016
NSERC report on the evaluation of the Canada Research Chairs
Program.) [Announcement]
Provost's Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in
Undergraduate Teaching, 2019 (Each year, up to two (2)
Provost's Early Achievement Awards will be funded at the University
of Alberta. The award is specifically designed to publicly recognize
achievement of teaching excellence by full-time continuing academic
staff within five years of their first university appointment.) [Announcement]
IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Prize Paper Award,
2018 (Each year, IEEE PES presents two (2) best papers for the award
among all IEEE PES transactions, including IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on
Sustainable Energy, and IEEE Transactions on Energy
Canada Research Chair in Intelligent Energy Systems,
2017-2022 with Renewal on 2022 (Current and former Chairs constitute
about 4% of academic researchers in Canada, according to the 2016
NSERC report on the evaluation of the Canada Research Chairs
Program.) [Announcement]
Best Conference Papers on Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage,
Microgrids, and Demand Response, 2016 IEEE Power &
Energy Society General Meeting (PES GM 2016), Boston, MA, USA (Top
5% among 970 publications.)
Best Paper Award Finalist, The 31st Annual IEEE
Orlando, FL, USA (Our paper was selected as one of the 16 finalists
International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2012),
out of 278 publications among 1547 submissions.)
Best Student Paper Award, IEEE 72nd Vehicular
Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Fall), Ottawa, ON, Canada (Our paper
was one of the two best paper awards out of 530 publications among
1051 submissions.)
Excellent Paper Award, The 22nd Annual Postgraduate
Communications Conference in Nanjing, 2007
IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter Compendium - 32 "Best of the
Best" Insightful Articles, 2015 (The IEEE Smart Grid
Newsletter Compendium features 32 "best of the best" insightful
articles published on IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter between
2011-2015. IEEE Smart Grid Society expects these articles to be the
go-to resource for industry professionals for years to come.)
IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Best Readings - Topics
on Smart Grid Communications, 2014 (The Best Readings is
a concise list of must-read books and articles that reveal the role
and the potential of communication networks and systems in the smart
grid. Among all publications in the area of smart grid
communications till 2014, 42 books and articles are selected by IEEE
ComSoc Technical Committee.)
Best Speaker Award, ECE Graduate Student Research
Talks, University of Waterloo, 2012
Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed
Students Abroad, 2011 (The awards were presented to 495
out of 440,000 Chinese oversea students across all fields of study
all over the world in 2011) [News
and Speech Quote by Xinhua News Agency] [BCbay
Graduate Scholarship, University of Waterloo, Fall
2010, Winter 2010, Fall 2009, Spring 2009, and Winter 2009 (A
maximum 5 awards could be received by a full-time Ph.D. student.)
International Doctoral Student Award, University of
Waterloo, 2008-2012 |
- R. Deng, P. Zhuang, and H. Liang, "Cyber-physical security in
smart grid communications," in Encyclopedia of Wireless
Networks, Sept. 2018.
- B. Cao, Q. Zhang, H. Liang, G. Fu, and J. W. Mark,
"Cooperative cognitive radio networking: towards a new paradigm
for dynamic spectrum access," in Software-Defined and
Cognitive Radio Technologies for Dynamic Spectrum Access and
Management, Oct. 2014.
- X. Zhao and H. Liang, "Capacity dimensioning for wireless
communications system," in Mobile and Wireless
Communications: Physical Layer Development and Implementation,
S. A. Fares and F. Adachi, Eds., INTECH Publishers, ISBN
978-953-307-043-8, 2010, pp. 283-290, Jan. 2010.
- W. Shi, H. Liang, and M. Bittner, "Stochastic sequential restoration for resilient cyber-physical power distribution systems," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024, to appear.
- W. Shi, H. Liang, and M. Bittner, "Data-driven resilience
enhancement for power distribution systems against multi-shocks
of earthquakes," IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Informatics, 2024, to appear.
- W. Shi, H. Liang, and M. Bittner, "Decision support for smart distribution system against natural disasters during health pandemics considering resilience," IEEE Access, 2024, to appear.
- W. Shi, H. Liang, and M. Bittner, "Dynamic
microgrid formation for resilient distribution
systems considering large-scale deployment of mobile energy
resources," Applied Energy, 2024, to appear.
- W. Shi, H. Liang, and M. Bittner, "Stochastic planning for
power distribution system resilience enhancement against
earthquakes considering mobile energy resources," IEEE
Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2024, to appear.
- K. Honari, S. Rouhani, N. E. Falak, Y. Liu, Y. Li, H. Liang,
S. Dick, and J. Miller, "Smart contract design in distributed
energy systems: a systematic review," Energies, vol.
16, no. 12, pp. 4797, June 2023. (Open Access)
- Y. Liu, O. Ardakanian, I. Nikolaidis, and H. Liang, "False
data injection attacks on smart grid voltage regulation with
stochastic communication model," IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 7122-7132,
May 2023.
- C. Ma, H. Liang, and Y. Jing, "A novel ZSV-based detection
scheme for FDIAs in multiphase power distribution systems," IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 14, no. 2, pp.
1236-1248, Mar. 2023.
- G. Li, Y. Liu, Q. Xu, H. Liang, and X. Wang, "Deep learning
enabled inverse design of nanocrystal-based optical diffusers
for efficient white LED lighting," Applied Optics,
vol. 61, no. 29, pp. 8783-8791, Oct. 2022.
- Y. Liu and H. Liang, "A data-driven approach for electric bus
energy consumption estimation," IEEE Transactions on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 10, pp.
17027-17038, Oct. 2022.
- C. Liu, R. Deng, W. He, H. Liang, and W. Du, "Optimal coding
schemes for detecting false data injection attacks in power
system state estimation," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 738-749, Jan. 2022.
- Y. Miao, T. Chen, S. Bu, H. Liang, and Z. Han, "Co-optimizing
battery storage for energy arbitrage and frequency regulation in
real-time markets using deep reinforcement learning," Energies,
vol. 14, no. 24, pp. 1-17, Dec. 2021. (Open Access)
- P. Zhuang and H. Liang, "False data injection attacks against
state of charge estimation of battery energy storage systems in
smart distribution networks," IEEE Transactions on Smart
Grid, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 2566-2577, May 2021.
- P. Zhuang and H. Liang, "Stochastic energy management of
electric bus charging stations with renewable energy integration
and B2G capabilities," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable
Energy, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1206-1216, Apr. 2021.
- C. Liu, H. Liang, and T. Chen, "Network parameter coordinated
false data injection attacks against power system AC state
estimation," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 12,
no. 2, pp. 1626-1639, Mar. 2021.
- Y. Liu and H. Liang, "A three-layer stochastic energy
management approach for electric bus transit centers with PV and
energy storage systems," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1346-1357, Mar. 2021.
- Y. Wang, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Decentralized stochastic
programming for optimal vehicle-to-grid operation in smart grid
with renewable generation," IET Renewable Power Generation,
vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 746-757, Mar. 2021.
- P. Zhuang, T. Zamir, and H. Liang, "Blockchain for cyber
security in smart grid: a comprehensive survey," IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 1,
pp. 3-19, Jan. 2021.
- R. Deng, Y. Liu, W. Chen, and H. Liang, "A survey on electric
buses - energy storage, power management, and charging
scheduling," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 9-22, Jan.
- F. Nejabatkhah, Y. Li, H. Liang, and R. R. Ahrabi,
"Cyber-security of smart microgrids: a survey," Energies,
vol. 14, no. 27, 2021. (Open Access)
- Z. Shi, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Distributionally robust
multi-period energy management for CCHP-based microgrids," IET
Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 14, no.
19, pp. 4097-4107, Oct. 2020.
- C. Liu, H. Liang, T. Chen, J. Wu, and C. Long, "Joint
admittance perturbation and meter protection for mitigating
stealthy FDI attacks against power system state estimation," IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 2, pp.
1468-1478, Mar. 2020.
- P. Zhuang and H. Liang, "Hierarchical and decentralized
stochastic energy management for smart distribution systems with
high BESS penetration," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 9583-9595, Dec. 2019.
- X. Bao, H. Liang, Y. Liu, and F. Zhang, "A stochastic game
approach for collaborative beamforming in SDN-based energy
harvesting wireless sensor networks," IEEE Internet of
Things Journal, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 9583-9595, Dec. 2019.
- P. Zhuang, R. Deng, and H. Liang, "False data injection
attacks against state estimation in multiphase and unbalanced
smart distribution systems," IEEE Transactions on Smart
Grid, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 6000-6013, Nov. 2019. [PDF]
- Y. Liu and H. Liang, "A discounted stochastic multiplayer
game approach for vehicle-to-grid voltage regulation," IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 68, no. 10,
pp. 9647-9659, Oct. 2019. [PDF]
- Z. Shi, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Data-driven
distributionally robust chance-constrained unit commitment with
uncertain wind power," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp.
135087-135098, Sept. 2019.
- Z. Shi, H. Liang, S. Huang, and V. Dinavahi, "Multistage
robust energy management for microgrids considering
uncertainty," IET Generation, Transmission &
Distribution, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1906-1913, May 2019. [PDF]
- R. Deng, P. Zhuang, and H. Liang, "False data injection
attacks against state estimation in power distribution systems,"
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 3, pp.
2871-2881, May 2019. [PDF]
- P. Zhuang, H. Liang, and M. Pomphrey, "Stochastic
multi-timescale energy management of greenhouses with renewable
energy sources," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,
vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 905-917, Apr. 2019. [PDF]
- Y. Wang, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Parallel stochastic
programming for energy storage management in smart grid with
probabilistic renewable generation and load models," IET
Renewable Power Generation, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 774-784,
Apr. 2019. [PDF]
- R. Deng and H. Liang, "False data injection attacks with
limited susceptance information and new countermeasures in smart
grid," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,
vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 1619-1628, Mar. 2019. [PDF]
- Z. Shi, H. Liang, S. Huang, and V. Dinavahi,
"Distributionally robust chance-constrained energy management
for islanded microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 2234-2244, Mar. 2019. [PDF]
- X. Bao, H. Liang, and L. Han, "Transmission optimization of
social and physical sensor nodes via collaborative beamforming
in cyber-physical-social systems," Sensors, vol. 18,
no. 12, pp. 1-18, Dec. 2018. [PDF]
- J. Wang, G. Geng, K. L. Chen, H. Liang, and W. Xu,
"Event-based non-intrusive home current measurement using sensor
array," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no.
6, pp. 5878-5886, Nov. 2018. [PDF]
- Z. Shi, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Wavelet neural network
based multiobjective interval prediction for short-term wind
speed," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 63352-63365, Oct.
2018. [PDF]
- Y. Wang, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Two-stage stochastic
demand response in smart grid considering random appliance usage
patterns," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,
vol. 12, no. 18, pp. 4163-4171, Oct. 2018. [PDF]
- Z. Shi, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Direct interval forecast
of uncertain wind power based on recurrent neural networks," IEEE
Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 9, no. 3, pp.
1177-1187, July 2018. [PDF]
- W. Liu, P. Zhuang, H. Liang, J. Peng, and Z. Huang,
"Distributed economic dispatch in microgrids based on
cooperative reinforcement learning," IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 29, no. 6, pp.
2192-2203, June 2018. [PDF]
- F. Zhang, R. Deng, and H. Liang, "An optimal real-time
distributed algorithm for utility maximization of mobile ad hoc
cloud," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 22, no. 4,
pp. 824-827, Apr. 2018. [PDF]
- Y. Liu, R. Deng, and H. Liang, "A stochastic game approach
for PEV charging station operation in smart grid," IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 3,
pp. 969-979, Mar. 2018. [PDF]
- K. Ma, X. Liu, Z. Liu, C. Chen, H. Liang, and X. Guan,
"Cooperative relaying strategies for smart grid communications:
bargaining models and solutions," IEEE Internet of Things
Journal, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 2315-2325, Dec. 2017. [PDF]
- T. Ding, H. Liang, and W. Xu, "An analytical method for
probabilistic modeling of the steady-state behavior of secondary
residential system," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid,
vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 2575-2584, Nov. 2017. [PDF]
- P. H. Divshali, B. J. Choi, and H. Liang, "Multi-agent
transactive energy management system considering high levels of
renewable energy source and electric vehicles," IET
Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 11, no.
15, pp. 3713-3721, Nov. 2017. [PDF]
- P. H. Divshali, B. J. Choi, H. Liang, and L. Soder,
"Transactive demand side management program in smart grids with
high penetration of EVs," Energies, vol. 10, no. 10,
pp. 1-18, Oct. 2017. [PDF]
- R. Deng, P. Zhuang, and H. Liang, "CCPA: Coordinated
cyber-physical attacks and countermeasures in smart grid," IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 2420-2430,
Sept. 2017. [PDF]
- R. Deng, H. Liang, J. Yong, B. Chai, and T. Yang,
"Distributed rate control, routing, and energy management in
dynamic rechargeable sensor networks," Springer
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, vol. 10, no. 3,
pp. 425-439, May 2017. [PDF]
- R. Deng, G. Xiao, R. Lu, H. Liang, and A. V. Vasilakos,
"False data injection on state estimation in power systems -
attacks, impacts, and defense: a survey," IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Informatics, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 411-423,
Apr. 2017. [PDF]
- R. Deng, R. Lu, C. Lai, T. H. Luan, and H. Liang, "Optimal
workload allocation in fog-cloud computing towards balanced
delay and power consumption," IEEE Internet of Things
Journal, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 1171-1181, Dec. 2016. [PDF]
- W. Xu, T. Ding, X. Li, and H. Liang, "Resonance-free shunt
capacitors - configurations, design methods and comparative
analysis," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.
31, no. 5, pp. 2287-2295, Oct. 2016. (IEEE
PES Prize Paper Award) [PDF]
- R. Deng and H. Liang, "A survey on false data injection
attack and defense in smart grid," Chinese Association of
Automation (CAA) Newsletter, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 31-36, Aug.
2016. [IN CHINESE] (Invited Paper)
- Y. Liu, R. Deng, and H. Liang, "Game-theoretic control of
PHEV charging with power flow analysis," AIMS Energy,
vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 379-396, Mar. 2016. (Invited
Paper) [PDF]
- T. Ding, W. Xu, and H. Liang, "Design method for third-order
high-pass filter," IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,
vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 402-403, Feb. 2016. [PDF]
- T. Yang, H. Liang, N. Cheng, R. Deng, and X. Shen, "Efficient
scheduling for video transmission in maritime wireless
communication network," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 4215-4229, Sept. 2015. [PDF]
- C. H. Ou, H. Liang, and W. Zhuang, "Investigating wireless
charging and mobility of electric vehicles on electricity
market," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,
vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 3123-3133, May 2015. [PDF]
- T. Yang, Z. Zheng, H. Liang, N. Cheng, R. Deng, and X. Shen,
"Green energy and content-aware data transmissions in maritime
wireless communication networks," IEEE Transactions on
Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 16, no. 2, pp.
751-762, Apr. 2015. [PDF]
- M. Wang, Q. Shen, R. Zhang, H. Liang, and X. Shen,
"Vehicle-density based adaptive MAC for high throughput in
drive-thru networks," IEEE Internet of Things Journal,
vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 533-543, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
- A. T. Gamage, H. Liang, R. Zhang, and X. Shen,
"Device-to-device communication underlaying converged
heterogeneous networks," IEEE Wireless Communications,
vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 98-107, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
- J. Yan, C. Chen, X. Luo, H. Liang, X. Guan, and X. Yang,
"Topology optimization based distributed estimation for relay
assisted wireless sensor networks," IET Control Theory and
Applications, vol. 8, no. 18, pp. 2219-2229, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
- N. Zhang, H. Liang, N. Cheng, Y. Tang, J. W. Mark, and X.
Shen, "Dynamic spectrum access in multi-channel cognitive radio
networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 2053-2064, Nov. 2014. [PDF]
- H. Liang, A. K. Tamang, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, "Stochastic
information management in smart grid," IEEE Communications
Surveys and Tutorials - Special Issue on Energy and Smart Grid,
vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1746-1770, Third Quarter 2014. [PDF]
- A. T. Gamage, H. Liang, and X. Shen, "Two time-scale
cross-layer scheduling for cellular/WLAN interworking," IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 8, pp.
2773-2789, Aug. 2014. [PDF]
- M. Wang, H. Liang, R. Zhang, R. Deng, and X. Shen,
"Mobility-aware coordinated charging for electric vehicles in
VANET-enhanced smart grid," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas
in Communications - Smart Grid Communications Series,
vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 1344-1360, July 2014. [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "Stochastic information management in
microgrid operations," IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter,
Apr. 2014. (Invited Article)
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "Stochastic modeling and optimization
in microgrid: a survey," Energies - Special Issue on Smart
Grids, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 2027-2050, Mar. 2014. [PDF]
- H. Liang, B. J. Choi, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, "Optimizing the
energy delivery via V2G systems based on stochastic inventory
theory," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 4, no.
4, pp. 2230-2243, Dec. 2013. [PDF]
- B. Cao, H. Liang, J. W. Mark, and Q. Zhang, "Exploiting
orthogonally dual-polarized antennas in cooperative cognitive
radio networking," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, vol. 31, no. 11, Nov. 2013. [PDF]
- H. Liang, B. J. Choi, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, "Stability
enhancement of decentralized inverter control through wireless
communications in microgrids," IEEE Transactions on Smart
Grid, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 321-331, Jan. 2013. [PDF]
- H. Liang, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, "Cooperative wireless
networking for smart grid," IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter,
Jan. 2013. (IEEE Smart Grid
Newsletter Compendium - 32 "Best of the Best" Insightful
Articles) [LINK]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "Double-loop receiver-initiated MAC
for cooperative data dissemination via roadside WLANs," IEEE
Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 9, pp.
2644-2656, Sept. 2012. [PDF]
- H. Liang, B. J. Choi, A. Abdrabou, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen,
"Decentralized economic dispatch in microgrids via heterogeneous
wireless networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications - Smart Grid Communications Series, vol.
30, no. 6, pp. 1061-1074, Jul. 2012. (IEEE
ComSoc Best Readings - Topics on Smart Grid Communications)
- H. Liang, A. Abdrabou, B. J. Choi, W. Zhuang, X. Shen, and A.
S. A. Awad, "Multiagent coordination in microgrids via wireless
networks," IEEE Wireless Communications - Recent
Advances in Wireless Technologies for Smart Grid, vol.
19, no. 3, pp. 14-22, Jun. 2012. [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "Efficient on-demand data service
delivery to high-speed trains in cellular/infostation integrated
networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 780-791, May 2012. [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "Cooperative data dissemination via
roadside WLANs," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.
50, no. 4, pp. 68-74, Apr. 2012. [PDF]
- B. J. Choi, H. Liang, X. Shen, and W. Zhuang, "DCS:
distributed asynchronous clock synchronization in delay tolerant
networks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 491-504, Mar. 2012. [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "DFMAC: DTN-friendly medium access
control for wireless local area networks supporting voice/data
services," ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications,
vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 531-543, Oct. 2011. (Invited
Paper) [PDF]
- C. Kong and H. Liang, "An adaptive power allocation scheme for wildfire emergency communication networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM'24, Dec. 2024.
- Z. Wu, Y. Liu, and H. Liang, "A quantum minimum cut-set
method for vulnerable node localization against false data
injection attacks," in Proc. IEEE CCECE'23, Sept.
(Outstanding Paper Award)
- S. Ma, H. Liang, and M. Bittner, "Multi-timescale stochastic
electrical and thermal energy management for sustainable
communities with wastewater treatment plants," in Proc.
IEEE CCECE'23, Sept. 2023.
- W. Shi and H. Liang, "Balanced graph partition for resilient
load restoration against natural disasters," in Proc. IEEE
CCECE'23, Sept. 2023.
- C. Kong, Y. Liu, and H. Liang, "A self-detection gradient
descent approach for semi-underground LoRa communication
networks in smart irrigation systems," in Proc. IEEE
CCECE'23, Sept. 2023.
- K. Honari, X. Zhou, S. Rouhani, S. Dick, H. Liang, Y. Li, and
J. Miller, "A scalable blockchain-based smart contract model for
decentralized voltage stability using sharding technique," in Proc.
IEEE Blockchain'22, Aug. 2022. (Acceptance rate: 15.8%)
- A. Bidell, Y. Liu, and H. Liang, "LoRa gateway placement
optimization based on a data-driven low height path loss model,"
in Proc. IEEE CCECE'21, Sept. 2021.
- W. Shi, P. Zhuang, and H. Liang, "Mobile energy resource
allocation for distribution system resilience against
earthquake," in Proc. IEEE VTC'20-Fall, Nov. 2020.
- W. Chen and H. Liang, "Average reward reinforcement learning
for optimal on-route charging of electric buses," in Proc.
IEEE VTC'20-Fall, Nov. 2020.
- P. Zhuang and H. Liang, "FDI attacks against real-time DLMP
in CPS-based smart distribution systems," in Proc. IEEE
GLOBECOM'19, Dec. 2019.
- Y. Liu and H. Liang, "A ROOT approach for stochastic energy
management in electric bus transit center with PV and ESS," in Proc.
IEEE GLOBECOM'19, Dec. 2019.
- W. Chen, P. Zhuang and H. Liang, "Reinforcement learning for
smart charging of electric buses in smart grid," in Proc.
IEEE GLOBECOM'19, Dec. 2019.
- Z. Shi, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Energy and reserve
dispatch with renewable generation using data-driven
distributionally robust optimization," in Proc. IEEE
NAPS'19, Oct. 2019.
- Y. Wang, H. Liang, and V. Dinavahi, "Stochastic demand
response under random renewable power generation in smart grid,"
in Proc. IEEE PES GM'19, Aug. 2019.
- X. Bao, H. Liang, and L. Han, "A novel node selection
algorithm for collaborative beamforming in wireless sensor
networks," in Proc. IEEE GreenCom'18, July-Aug. 2018.
- Y. Liu and H. Liang, "An MHO approach for electric bus
charging scheme optimization based on energy consumption
estimation," in Proc. IEEE PES GM'18, Aug. 2018.
- Y. Liu and H. Liang, "Vehicle-to-grid frequency regulation
signal optimization based on inhomogeneous hidden Markov model,"
in Proc. IEEE VTC'17, Sept. 2017. [PDF]
- P. Zhuang and H. Liang, "Decentralized coordination of
electric vehicle charging stations for active power
compensation," in Proc. IEEE VTC'17, Sept. 2017. [PDF]
- R. Deng and H. Liang, "Whether to charge or discharge an
electric vehicle? An optimal approach in polynomial time," in Proc.
IEEE VTC'17, Sept. 2017. [PDF]
- F. Zhang, Y. Liu, W. Liu, H. Liang, Y. Zang, and M. Fu,
"Stochastic game between cloud broker and cloudlet for mobile
cloud computing," in Proc. IEEE VTC'17, Sept. 2017. [PDF]
- W. Liu, P. Zhuang, Y. Liu, H. Liang, Z. Huang, and J. Peng,
"Cooperative neural fitted learning for distributed energy
management in microgrids via wireless networks," in Proc.
IEEE VTC'17, Sept. 2017. [PDF]
- R. Deng, Z. Zhang, J. Ren, and H. Liang, "Indoor temperature
control of cost-effective smart buildings via real-time smart
grid communications," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM'16, Dec.
2016. [PDF]
- R. Deng and H. Liang, "Whether to charge an electric vehicle
or not? A near-optimal online approach," in Proc. IEEE PES
GM'16, July 2016. (Best
Conference Papers on Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage,
Microgrids, and Demand Response) [PDF]
- W. Wang, H. Liang, and J. Chen, "Stochastic modelling of
community energy storage system based on diffusion
approximation," in Proc. IEEE PES GM'16, July 2016. [PDF]
- P. Zhuang and H. Liang, "Energy storage management in smart
homes based on resident activity of daily life recognition," in
Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm'15, Nov. 2015. [PDF]
- Y. Liu and H. Liang, "A firm-union bargaining game approach
for PHEV charging access control," in Proc. IEEE
SmartGridComm'15, Nov. 2015. [PDF]
- T. N. Le, S. AL-Rubaye, H. Liang, and B. J. Choi, "Dynamic
charging and discharging for electric vehicles in microgrids,"
in Proc. IEEE ICC'15 - Workshop on Green Communications and
Networks with Energy Harvesting, Smart Grids, and Renewable
Energies, June 2015. [PDF]
- J. Gao, X. Zhang, H. Liang, and X. Shen, "Joint encryption and
compressed sensing in smart grid data transmission," in Proc.
IEEE GLOBECOM'14, Dec. 2014. [PDF]
- T. N. Le, B. J. Choi, H. Liang, H. Li, and X. Shen, "DCD:
distributed charging and discharging scheme for EVs in
microgrids," in Proc. IEEE SmartGridComm'14, Nov.
2014. [PDF]
- H. Liang, I. Sharma, W. Zhuang, and K. Bhattacharya, "Plug-in
electric vehicle charging demand estimation based on queueing
network analysis," in Proc. IEEE PES GM'14, July 2014.
- N. Zhang, N. Cheng, H. Liang, Y. Tang, J. W. Mark, and X.
Shen, "Efficient channel assignment for cooperative sensing
based on convex bipartite matching," in Proc. IEEE ICC'14,
June 2014. [PDF]
- H. Liang, A. Abdrabou, and W. Zhuang, "Stochastic information
management for voltage regulation in smart distribution
systems," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'14, Apr.-May 2014.
(Acceptance rate: 19.4%) [PDF]
- J. Zhu, Z. Shi, H. Liang, R. Lu, and X. Shen, "Particle
filter based grid synchronization with voltage unbalance and
frequency variation in smart grid," in Proc. IEEE WCSP'13,
Oct. 2013. [PDF]
- M. Wang, H. Liang, R. Deng, R. Zhang, and X. Shen, "VANET
based online charging strategy for electric vehicles," in Proc.
IEEE GLOBECOM'13, Dec. 2013. [PDF]
- T. Yang, H. Liang, N. Cheng, and X. Shen, "Towards video
packets store-carry-and-forward scheduling in maritime wideband
communication," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM'13, Dec. 2013.
- H. Liang, B. J. Choi, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, "Decentralized
inverter control in microgrids based on power sharing
information through wireless communications," in Proc. IEEE
GLOBECOM'12, Dec. 2012. [PDF]
- H. Zhao, J. Zhang, H. Liang, and W. Zhuang, "A practical
multi-hop channel allocation algorithm for cognitive radio ad
hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE ICWITS'12, Nov. 2012.
- H. Liang, B. J. Choi, W. Zhuang, and X. Shen, "Towards
optimal energy store-carry-and-deliver for PHEVs via V2G
system," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'12, Mar. 2012.
(Acceptance rate: 17.97%) (Best Paper
Award Finalist) [PDF]
- B. Cao, L. X. Cai, H. Liang, J. W. Mark, Q. Zhang, H. V.
Poor, and W. Zhuang, "Cooperative cognitive radio networking
using quadrature signaling," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'12
(mini-conference), Mar. 2012. (Acceptance rate: 17.97%) [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "Resource allocation for on-demand
data delivery to high-speed trains via trackside infostations,"
in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM'11, Dec. 2011. [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "Optimal message scheduling for
roadside WLANs with pre-downloaded messages," in Proc. IEEE
ICC'11, Jun. 2011. [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "A double-loop receiver-initiated
medium access control scheme for data dissemination services
with packet pre-downloading," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM'10,
Dec. 2010. [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "DTCoop: delay tolerant cooperative
communications in DTN/WLAN integrated networks," in Proc.
IEEE VTC'10-Fall, Sept. 2010. (Best
Student Paper Award) [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "Cross-layer resource allocation for
efficient message dissemination in rural infostation systems,"
in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM'09, Nov. 2009. [PDF]
- H. Liang and W. Zhuang, "DFMAC: DTN-friendly medium access
control for wireless local area networks," in Proc. IEEE
CHINACOM'09, Aug. 2009. [PDF]
- X. Zhao, H. Liang, and Z. Gu, "A Markov chain-based capacity
dimensioning method for wireless communications systems with
AMC, HARQ and packet multimedia traffic source," in Proc.
IEEE ICC'08, May 2008. [PDF]
- X. Zhao, J. Qi, H. Liang, and X. You, "An analytical method
for capacity dimensioning of WCDMA with high speed wireless
link," in Proc. IEEE WCNC'07, pp. 4172-4176, Mar.
2007. [PDF]
- H. Liang, Z. Gu, and X. Zhao, "A novel method for estimating
the probability distribution of user's received CIR in HSDPA
systems," in Proc. 22nd Annual Postgraduate Communications
Conference in Nanjing, Dec. 2007. (Excellent
Paper Award) [IN CHINESE]
- Z. Gu, H. Liang, and X. Zhao, "A modeling method for variable
orthogonality factor," in Proc. 22nd Annual Postgraduate
Communications Conference in Nanjing, Dec. 2007. [IN
- Z. Gu, H. Liang, and X. Zhao, "A novel capacity dimensioning
method for HSDPA in mixed service scenarios," in Proc. 22nd
Annual Postgraduate Communications Conference in Nanjing,
Dec. 2007. [IN CHINESE]
NSERC Canada Research Chair (Tier 2),
"Intelligent energy systems," 2017-2027. (PI)
Mitacs Accelerate Grant, "Efficient and
resilient smart grid modeling and operation approaches in a smart
city environment," 2022-2023. (PI)
NSERC Discovery Grant, "Stochastic energy
management in smart grid with cyber-physical resilience
enhancement," 2021-2026. (PI)
NSERC Alliance Grant, "Novel demand forecasting
and reliability enhancement approaches for electrical grids in
response to COVID-19 pandemic," 2020-2021. (PI)
NSERC Alliance Grant, "Towards future
interconnected electric system," 2020-2025. (co-PI)
NSERC CRD Grant, "Optimal energy management of
sustainable greenhouses in smart grid," 2020-2022. (PI)
Canada First Research Excellence Fund, "Future
energy systems research initiative - blockchain-based smart
contracts in the future smart grid," 2020-2021. (PI)
Alberta Innovates Digital Innovation in Clean Energy
(DICE) Program, "Blockchain-based smart contracts in
the future smart grid (matching fund)," 2020-2021. (co-PI)
NSERC CRD Grant, "A systems engineering approach
for precision irrigation," 2018-2021. (Co-PI)
Canada First Research Excellence Fund, "Future
energy systems research initiative: energy management strategies
for distributed energy resources," 2018-2024. (Co-PI)
Canada First Research Excellence Fund, "Future
energy systems research initiative: optimization of small wind
turbines for gusty wind resources of Northern Canada," 2018-2024.
Canada First Research Excellence Fund, "Future
energy systems research initiative - future smart grid
structures," 2017-2024. (Co-PI)
Canada First Research Excellence Fund, "Future
energy systems research initiative - operational decision support
for smart grids," 2017-2024. (Co-PI)
NSERC Engage Grant, "A data-driven approach for
electric bus charging demand modelling," 2018. (PI)
Mitacs Accelerate Grant, "Wireless network
planning and robust optimization for advanced irrigation systems,"
2017. (PI)
Mitacs Accelerate Grant, "Optimal
two-dimensional energy management of grid-connected
thermal/electrical hybrid energy system," 2017-2018. (PI)
NSERC CRD Grant, "Assessment and mitigation of
the impacts of distributed generation on urban utilities,"
2015-2017. (Co-PI)
NSERC Discovery Grant, "Decentralized operation,
control, and communications in smart grid," 2015-2020. (PI)
Faculty of Engineering Start-Up Funding for Research in
Electrical & Computer Engineering, "Smart grid
operation and control based on advanced information and
communication systems," 2014-2019. (PI)
Special thanks to our sponsors and
partners (in alphabetical order). Without their generous
support, the research in our group would never be possible.
Alberta Innovates Technology Futures |
First Research Excellence Fund |
Research Chairs |
Systems Inc. |
Research Centre Canada (CRC) |
Distribution & Transmission Inc. |
General Motors
Company |
Inc. |
Industries Corporation
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Synthetics Inc. |
Albert Transit / StAT |
Waterloo North
Hydro Inc. |
Fellows, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Research Assistants,
and Visiting Professors
Yuan Liu
- Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021-present
(Ph.D. University of Alberta)
- Research: Smart contracts and quantum
algorithms for smart grid
Xiao Zhang
- Position: Ph.D. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Yindi Jing, 2021-present (B.Sc. McMaster University)
- Research: Disturbance detection and
localization in smart grid
Wenlong Shi
- Position: Ph.D. Student, 2020-present (M.Sc.
Jilin Universty)
- Research: Cyber-physical resilient power
distribution systems against natural disasters
Xiaotian Zhou
- Position: Ph.D. Student, 2021-present (B.Sc.
Universty of Alberta)
- Research: Blockchain-based stochastic energy
management in smart grid
Chen Kong
- Position: Ph.D. Student, 2021-present (B.Sc.
Universty of Alberta)
- Research: Resource management of LoRa wireless
networks for IoT applications
Zhao Yang
- Position: Ph.D. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Yindi Jing, 2023-present (M.Sc. North China Electric Power
- Research: Cyber-physical security in multiphase
power distribution systems
Qizhu Huang
- Position: Ph.D. Student, starting 2023 (M.Sc.
University of Hannover)
- Research: Intelligent energy systems
Siyao Ma
- Position: M.Sc. Student, 2020-Present (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Stochastic energy management of
wastewater treatment plants in smart grid
Zhuoheng Wu
- Position: M.Sc. Student, 2021-Present (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Quantum algorithms for smart grid
Gangyi Li
- Position: M.Sc. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Xihua Wang, 2020-2023 (B.Sc. Shandong University)
- Research: Deep learning algorithms for optical
Sharifullah Mohd Hussain
- Position: M.Eng. Student, 2023-Present
- Research: Intelligent energy management of home
energy storage systems in smart grid
Chensheng Liu
- Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, 2018-2019 (Ph.D.
Shanghai Jiaotong Univeristy)
- Research: Cyber-physical security in smart grid
- First/current employment: Distinguished
Research Fellow, East China University of Science and
Technology, China
Ruilong Deng
- Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-2018 (Ph.D.
Zhejiang University)
- Research: demand response in smart grid
- Major award: Alberta Innovates Technology
Futures (AITF) Postdoctoral Fellowship
- First employment: Assistant Professor, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
- Current employment: Full Professor, Zhejiang
University, China
Peng Zhuang
- Position: Ph.D. Student, 2015-2020 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Energy storage management in smart
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2014;
Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship, 2019; NSERC
Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2022.
- First employment: Postdoctoral Fellow, The
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Current employment: Assistant Professor,
Zhengzhou University, China
Yuan Liu
- Position: Ph.D. Student, 2015-2020 (B.Sc.
Zhejiang University)
- Research: Stochastic energy management of
electric vehicles in smart grid
- First/current employment: Postdoctoral Fellow,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Yue Wang
- Position: Ph.D. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Venkata Dinavahi, 2015-2020 (M.Sc. China Agricultral University)
- Research: Demand side management in smart grid
- Major award: China Scholarship Council (CSC)
Zhichao Shi
- Position: Ph.D. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Venkata Dinavahi, 2016-2020 (M.Sc. National University of
Defense Technology)
- Research: Stochastic modeling and optimization
in smart grid
- Major award: China Scholarship Council (CSC)
- First/current employment: Assistant Professor,
National University of Defense Technology, China
Tianyu Ding
- Position: Ph.D. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Wilsun Xu, 2014-2017 (B.Sc. Shandong University)
- Research: harmonic assessment and mitigation
for systems with mass-distributed harmonic sources
- First employment: Utility Engineer at
FortisAlberta, Calgary, AB, Canada
- Current employment: Senior Engineer,
Distribution Asset & Planning Strategies, BC Hydro,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Chengran Ma
- Position: M.Sc. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Yindi Jing, 2020-2022 (B.Sc. China University of Mining and
- Research: Zero-sequence-voltage-based detection
and localization schemes for false data injection attacks in
multiphase power distribution systems grid
- First/current employment: 5G Industrial Network
Researcher, China Mobile Research Institute, China
Wenzhuo Chen
- Position: M.Sc. Student, 2018-present (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in smart
- First/current employment: Software Engineer at
EvertzAV, Burlington, ON, Canada
Juncheng Wang
- Position: M.Sc. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Wilsun Xu, 2015-2017 (B.Sc. Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Research: event-based non-intrusive home
current measurement using sensor array
- First employment: Internet of Things Engineer
at Appropolis Inc. Calgary, AB.
- Current employment: Ph.D. Sudent, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Weiran Wang
- Position: M.Sc. Student, co-supervised with Dr.
Jie Chen, 2015-2017 (B.Sc. Harbin Institute of Technology)
- Research: stochastic modeling and optimization
for community energy storage systems in smart grid
- First employment: System Engineer at
CenturyLink, Inc., Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- Current employment: Business System Analyst,
TELUS, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Nikolai Marianicz
- Position: M.Eng. Student, 2023-2023
- Research: Optimal multi-microgrid coordination
in smart grid
Syed Waqar
- Position: M.Eng. Student, 2023-2023
- Research: Optimal energy management of
vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems in smart grid
Syed Zahid Hussain Shah
- Position: M.Eng. Student, 2023-2023
- Research: Intelligent energy management of
smart grid with electric vehicle integration
Xuecai Bao
- Position: Visiting Professor, 2017-2018
(Assistant Professor, Nanchang Institute of Technology)
- Research: resource allocation for energy
harvesting wireless networks
- Major award: China Scholarship Council (CSC)
- First/current employment: Associate Professor,
Nanchang Institute of Technology, China.
Xi Yang
- Position: Visiting Professor, 2016-2017
(Associate Professor, University of Electronic Science and
Technology, China)
- Research: big data analytics and its
- Major award: China Scholarship Council (CSC)
- First/current employment: Associate Professor,
University of Electronic Science and Technology, China.
Yi Zang
- Position: Visiting Professor, 2016-2017
(Associate Professor, Henan University of Technology, China)
- Research: intelligent energy systems and smart
- Major award: China Scholarship Council (CSC)
- First/current employment: Associate Professor,
Henan University of Technology, China.
Weirong Liu
- Position: Visiting Professor, 2016-2017
(Associate Professor, Central South University, China)
- Research: decentralized control in smart grid
- Major award: China Scholarship Council (CSC)
- First/current employment: Associate Professor,
Central South University, China.
Fenghui Zhang
- Position: Visiting Professor, 2016-2017
(Assistant Professor, West Anhui University, China)
- Research: resource management for cloud
- First/current employment: Associate Professor,
West Anhui University, China.
Lifu Shao
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2017-2018 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: reliable wireless networking for
intelligent irrigation
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2017-2018
Phuoc-Hoan Charles Le
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2017-2018 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: charging demand modeling of electric
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2017-2018
Christina Kong
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2018-2018 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: transmission and distribution system
planning with renewable energy sources
Zixin Zhao
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2017-2018 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: wireless networking for intelligent
Benjamin Kendall
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2017-2018 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: community energy storage systems in
smart grid
Andrew Chamberlain
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2017-2018 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: community energy storage systems in
smart grid
Quinton Laborde
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2017-2018 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: community energy storage systems in
smart grid
Nikita Kanigan
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2017-2018 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: community energy storage systems in
smart grid
Dominique Dubbeldam
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2017-2018 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: community energy storage systems in
smart grid
Zirun Hong
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2018-2019 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: Wireless networking for advanced
irrigation systems
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2018-2019
Shengxiang Sun
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2017-2018 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: An artificial neural network model
for weather forecasting in advanced irrigation systems
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2018
Asfandyar Butt
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Optimal energy management in
Howie Huang
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Optimal energy management in
Steven Hironaka
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Optimal energy management in
Michael Spracklin
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Optimal energy management in
Alex Cheng
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in public
transit (with a focus on power system planning)
Jiajie Li
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in public
transit (with a focus on power system planning)
Wenkai Lei
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in public
transit (with a focus on power system planning)
Chenhui Zhang
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in public
transit (with a focus on power system planning)
Ibrahim Khan
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in public
transit (with a focus on smart charging)
Aden Weyrah
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in public
transit (with a focus on smart charging)
Anand Sundaram
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in public
transit (with a focus on smart charging)
Bilal Chughtai
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2018-2019 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: Electric bus integration in public
transit (with a focus on smart charging)
Hanbing Wang
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2016-2017 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: impact of distributed generation on
distribution systems
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2016-2017
Qingxin Yuan
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2016-2017 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: cyber security in smart grid
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2016-2017
Ryan Wallenberg
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2016-present (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: assessment and mitigation of the
impact of distributed generation on urban utilities
Douglas DeVries
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2016-present (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: assessment and mitigation of the
impact of distributed generation on urban utilities
Ao Li
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2015-2016 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: assessment of the impacts of
distributed generation on protection coordination
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2015
Zhiyao Qian
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2015-2016 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: distributed generation impact study
under normal operating conditions
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2015
Kevin Chan
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2015-2016 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart homes with renewable energy
- First/current employment: Telecon, Edmonton, AB
Inder Panesar
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2015-2016 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart homes with renewable energy
Raymond Fung
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2015-2016 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart homes with renewable energy
Dianliang Zhao
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2015-2016 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart homes with renewable energy
Taimoor Khan
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2015-2016 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart homes with renewable energy
Saklain Khan
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2015 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: distributed generation impact
assessment and mitigation
- First/current employment: Schneider Electric,
Calgary, AB
Yifan Wang
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2015 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: electric vehicle traffic and energy
demand analysis
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2015
Fenqing Liu
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2015 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: probabilistic power flow analysis in
smart grid
Yanbin Chen
- Position: Summer Undergraduate Student,
supported by International Student Work Study Program (ISWSP),
2015 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: big data analytics in smart grid
Peng Zhang
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2014-2015 (B.Sc. University of Alberta)
- Research: traffic data analysis for queueing
network based electric vehicle charging demand estimation
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2014-2015
Peng Zhuang
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2014-2015;
Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2014 (B.Sc. University of
- Research: energy storage management in smart
- Major award: Dean's Research Award, 2014
Fuqi Cui
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2014-2015 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart buildings in smart grid
- First/current employment: London Drugs,
Edmonton, AB
Shihang Wu
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2014-2015 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart buildings in smart grid
Zichen Ling
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2014-2015 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart buildings in smart grid
Rong Zhang
- Position: EE Capstone Project, 2014-2015 (B.Sc.
University of Alberta)
- Research: smart buildings in smart grid
Xiuming Zhang
- Position: Exchange Undergraduate Student, 2014
(B.Sc. National University of Singapore)
- Research: big data analytics in smart grid
- First/current employment: Clinical Imaging
Research Center (CIRC), A*STAR Singapore
Nan Chen
- Position: Exchange Undergraduate Student, 2014
(B.Sc. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
- Research: stability analysis of droop control
in microgrid and stability enhancement via wireless networks
- First/current employment: Ph.D. student at the
University of Waterloo
Wei (Harrison) Wang
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2012-2013 (B.Sc. University of Waterloo)
- Research: stochastic information management in
smart grid
- First employment: Master's student at Cornell
University (subsequently employed by General Motors).
- Current employment: Ericsson, San Jose, CA
Peter (Ze Yu) Xian
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2011 (B.Sc. University of Waterloo)
- Research: wireless communication network design
and optimization for smart grid
- First employment: NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA
- Current employment: Entrepreneur, Consumer
Electronics, San Francisco Bay Area
Seongho Kim
- Position: Undergraduate Research Assistant,
2011 (B.Sc. University of Waterloo)
- Research: wireless interference in home energy
management systems
- First/current employment: Innovative, Creative
Engineering Solutions (ICES), Mississauga, ON.
Ph.D. Dissertation External Examiner
- Z. Wei, "Modeling and analysis on electric
vehicle charging," University of Victoria, Canada, 2017
- S. Ali, "An analytical framework for power
quality monitoring in smart power microgrid," University of
Victoria, Canada, 2015.
- B. Zhao, "Pricing and scheduling optimization
problems in the smart grid," University of Victoria, Canada,
- K. Zhou, "Demand response in smart grid,"
University of Victoria, Canada, 2015.
- H. Liang, "Stochastic energy management and cyber-physical
security in smart distribution systems," IEEE SmartGridComm -
Workshop on Intellitence and Security for Smart Energy Systems,
October 28, 2022. (Keynote, Online)
- H. Liang, "Quantum computing for future energy systems,"
Quantum Algorithm Institute (QAI)-Microsoft-UofA Meeting on
Quantum Algorithms, November 5, 2021. (Online)
- H. Liang, "Intelligent irrigation system architecture and
implementation," Alberta Innovates (AI)-UofA Meeting on Advanced
Irrigation Technologies, March 25, 2021. (Online)
- H. Liang, "Towards future interconnected electric system:
cyber-physical security in smart grid," Alberta Power Industry
Consortium (APIC)-UofA Pitch Meeting, November 13, 2020.
- H. Liang, "Research on intelligent energy systems at the
University of Alberta," RWI-UofA Meeting on Smart Cities,
Edmonton, AB, Canada, July 29, 2019.
- H. Liang, "Research on intelligent energy systems at the
University of Alberta," RWI-UofA Meeting on Smart Cities,
Edmonton, AB, Canada, July 29, 2019. (Invited Seminar)
- H. Liang, "University of Alberta electric vehicle and
electric bus research," StAT-UofA Meeting on Electric Bus
Integration, St. Albert Transit Center, St. Albert, AB, Canada,
July 27, 2017.
- H. Liang, "Assessment and mitigation of the impacts of
distributed generation on urban utilities," EPCOR-UofA Meeting
on DG Integration, EPCOR North Service Center, Edmonton, AB,
Canada, Dec. 12, 2016.
- H. Liang, "Cyber security in smart grid," AltaLink /
University of Alberta Meeting on Protection and Cyber Security
of AC Power Systems with Multi-Terminal HVDC Transmission
Networks, Calgary, AB, Canada, May 26, 2016.
- H. Liang, "Electric cars on the grid," Interview with
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Edmonton AM, Host: Mark
Connolly, Jan. 25, 2016. [LINK]
- H. Liang, "Harmonic assessment and mitigation for systems
with mass-distributed harmonic sources," International Workshop
on Mobile Communications and Networking (IWMCN), University of
Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, Nov. 27, 2015.
- H. Liang, "Wireless networking in smart grid," IEEE
International Conference on Smart Grid Communications
(SmartGridComm) Workshop on Smart Cities Enabled by Smart Grid
Communications - Challenges and Opportunities from a Grid
Modernization Perspective, Miami, FL, Nov. 2, 2015.
- H. Liang, "Advanced information and communication systems for
smart grid," School of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Chengdu, China, May 27, 2015.
- H. Liang, "Advanced information and communication systems for
smart grid," School of Information Science and Engineering,
Southeast University, Nanjing, China, May 19, 2015.
- H. Liang, "Advanced information and communication systems for
smart grid," North American Chinese Power Professional
Association (NACPPA) Webinar Series, Nov. 2014.
- H. Liang, "Smart buildings in smart grid," City of Edmonton -
Blatchford Redevelopment Research Collaborations, Edmonton, AB,
Canada, Sept. 2014.
- J. Salmon, P. Musilek, and H. Liang, "UofA electrical
engineering projects - advanced information and communication
systems for smart grid," EPCOR Utilities / University of Alberta
Meeting on Distributed Generation, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Aug.
- H. Liang, "Advanced information and communication systems for
smart grid," Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Apr. 2014.
- H. Liang, "Advanced information and communication systems for
smart grid," Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, Apr. 2014.
- H. Liang, "Wireless networking and stochastic information
management in smart grid," Department of Computing and Software,
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, Sept. 2013.
- H. Liang, "Smart grid research at BBCR Lab," Siemens New
Jersey / University of Waterloo Meeting on Smart Grid, Waterloo,
ON, Canada, May 2013.
- X. Shen, K. Bhattacharya, H. Liang, and R. Lu, "Smart grid
research at University of Waterloo," Waterloo North Hydro /
University of Waterloo Meeting on Smart Grid, Waterloo, ON,
Canada, Mar. 2013.
- X. Shen, H. Liang, and R. Lu, "Current and future research
challenges in smart grid networks," Defense Research and
Development Canada / BBCR Lab Meeting on Smart Grid, Ottawa, ON,
Canada, Jan. 2013.
- H. Liang, "Towards optimal energy store-carry-and-deliver for
PHEVs via V2G system," ECE Graduate Student Research Talks,
University of Waterloo, Mar. 2012. (Best
Speaker Award)
Technical Journal
- Editor, IET Communications, 2016-2022
- Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Emerging
Topics in Computing, Special Issue on Big Data Computing for the
Smart Grid, 2016
- System Administrator, IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology, 2009-2013
Chair/Co-Chair of Conferences
- TPC Co-Chair, Smart Grids for Smart Cities
(SGSC) Conference - Smart City 360 Summit 2015
- Travel Grants Chair, IEEE International
Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 2015
- Workshop Co-Chair, Smart Cities Enabled by
Smart Grid Comms - Challenges and Opportunities from a Grid
Modernization Perspective, IEEE International Conference on
Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 2015
- Student Travel Grant Co-Chair, IEEE/CIC
International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) 2015
Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member of Conferences
- IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid
Communications (SmartGridComm) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
- IEEE International Conference on Communications
(ICC) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
- IEEE Global Communications Conference
(GLOBECOM) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)
2010-Fall, 2011-Fall, 2013-Spring, 2016-Spring, 2016-Fall,
2017-Spring, 2017-Fall
- IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engineering (CCECE) 2016
- IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies
Conference (ISGT) 2014
- IEEE International Conference on Sensing,
Communication and Networking (SECON) Workshop on Toward A
City-Wide Pervasive EnviRonment (CoWPER) 2016
- IEEE International Conference on Computer and
Information Technology (CIT), 2015
- IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON)
- IEEE International Conference on Clean Energy
and Technologies (CEAT) 2013
- IEEE International Conference on Power and
Energy (PECON) 2012, 2014
- IEEE International Conference on
Telecommunications (ICT) 2015
- IEEE International Wireless Communications and
Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC) 2014
- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP)
- IEEE Second International Conference on Image
Information Processing (ICIIP) 2013
- IEEE International Conference on Connected
Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE) 2013, 2014, 2015
- IEEE International Conference on Communications
in China (ICCC) 2013, 2014
- IEEE International Conference on Signal
Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems
(SPICES) 2015
- International Conference on Advances in
Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) 2014
- International Conference on Ambient Systems,
Networks and Technologies (ANT) 2014
- International Symposium on Security in
Computing and Communications (SSCC) 2014
- International Conference on Wireless
Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP) 2013
Conference Session Chair
- IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 - WN14: Network Coding
- IEEE VTC 2010 Fall - 8I: Medium Access Control
Journal Reviewer
Power and Energy Systems Related
- IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
- IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
- IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Information and Communication
Systems Related Areas
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and
Learning Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and
- IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications
and Networking
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
- IEEE Communications Magazine
- IEEE Wireless Communications
- IEEE Network
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- IEEE Communications Letters
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
- IEEE Systems Journal
- EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and
- European Journal of Operational Research
- Energies
- Wiley Transactions on Emerging
Telecommunications Technologies
- Wiley Security and Communication Networks
- Elsevier Information Sciences
- Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks
- Elsevier Computer Communications
- Elsevier Computer Networks
- Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer
- Elsevier International Journal of Electrical
Power and Energy Systems
- Elsevier Computers and Electrical Engineering
- ACM Mobile Networks and Applications
- KSII Transactions on Internet and Information
- Springer Journal of Wireless Personal
- Springer Telecommunication Systems
- China Communications
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute Journal
- Journal of Machinery Manufacturing and
IEEE Membership
- IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES)
- IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)
Membership of Department Committee
- Research and Planning Committee, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta
- ECE Bridge Planning Team, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta
University of
- "The university has been recognized by the
Academic Ranking of World Universities, the QS World University
Rankings and the Times Higher Education World University
Rankings as one of the top five universities in Canada and one
of the top 100 universities worldwide." - Wikipedia
City of Edmonton
- "The Calgary-Edmonton Corridor is in a unique
position in Canada. Specifically, it is the only Canadian urban
centre to amass a U.S.-level of wealth while preserving a
Canadian-style quality of life." - TD
Bank Financial Group
- "Poised to take up the mantle of Canada's new
energy capital, Edmonton is strategically located between the
world?s second largest oil reserves and the US, one of the
planet's largest energy consumers." - Edmonton
Economic Development Corporation
- "Canada is a developed country and one of the
wealthiest in the world, with the eighth highest per capita
income globally, and the eleventh highest ranking in the Human
Development Index. It ranks among the highest in international
measurements of education, government transparency, civil
liberties, quality of life, and economic freedom." - Wikipedia
- The information about Canadian immigration
programs for Ph.D. and Master's students is available here
- The information about "super visas" for parents
and grandparents is available here
- The information about Canadian citizenship is
available here
- Permanent resident of Canada or Canadian citizen
is eligible for a NSERC
Postdoctoral Fellowship, for a maximum of 2 years, to be
hold in a Canadian university/institution or a
university/research centre outside Canada
- Canadian citizen usually does not need a visa to
work as a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Professional. More information is available here
Courses for Graduate Students in Smart Grid Related Areas
(suggestions based on my own enrolment)
- Power and energy system discipline - Power
System Analysis and Control, Power Electronics, Power Systems
Operation, Distribution System Engineering, Power System
Quality, High Voltage Engineering Applications
- Information and communication system discipline
- Stochastic Processes, Communications over Fading Dispersive
Channels, Digital Communications, Wireless Communication
Networks, Network Information Theory, Network Coding Theory
Calls for Papers
- IEEE Power & Energy Society [LINK]
- IEEE Power Electronics Society [LINK]
- IEEE Signal Processing Society [LINK]
- IEEE Computer Society [LINK]
- IEEE Cloud Computing Society [LINK]
- IEEE Sensor Council Journals [LINK]
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society
- IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on
Security and Privacy [LINK]
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology [LINK]
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems [LINK]
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics [LINK]
- IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics [LINK]
- IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing [LINK]
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and
Engineering [LINK]
- IEEE Transactions on Services Computing [LINK]
- IEEE Network [LINK]
- IEEE Communications Magazine [LINK]
- IEEE Wireless Communications [LINK]
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine [LINK]
- IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials [LINK]
- IEEE/KICS Journal of Communications and Networks
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal [LINK]
- IEEE System Journal [LINK]
- Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks [LINK]
- Elsevier Computer Networks [LINK]
- Elsevier Information Sciences [LINK]
- Elsevier Computer Communications [LINK]
- Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile
Computing [LINK]
- Wiley Security and Communication Networks [LINK]