J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci
(www.cspscanada.org) 8(3):601, 2005

Kupfer, Ph.D. (1925-2004)
It is with much sadness that the
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences acknowledge the death of one of
our Editorial Board members, Dr. David Kupfer (1925-2004). Dr. Kupfer was a
member of our Editorial Board since 1998, and his carefully considered reviews
of manuscripts and input of ideas and advice will be greatly missed. David had
a long and very active scientific career, the major part of which was at the
Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology. When the Worcester Foundation
was absorbed into the University of Massachusetts in 1997, David was invited to join the
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the Medical
School in Worcester where he served as Professor, later
on becoming Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology at that
institution. David was well liked, a
friendly and hardworking individual who was always ready to lend a hand. He had
both national and international recognition in the field of cytochrome P450 and
drug metabolism, where he made major contributions to our understanding of the
metabolism of anti-cancer agents, such as tamoxifen and chlorotrianisene, and
of endocrine disrupting agents, notably methoxychlor. David had a long history
of service to the Drug Metabolism Division of ASPET,
and he served on a number of other journal Editorial Boards and on the
NIH Grants Review Pharmacology Study Section. His research excellence, pleasant
manner and true collegiality will be greatly missed.
John B. Schenkman (Dept. of Pharmacology, University
of Connecticut Health
Center, Farmington, CT)
David J. Waxman (Dept. of Biology, Boston University,
Boston, MA)
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