J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci (www.ualberta.ca/~csps) 4(2):76, 2001



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CSPS Awards and Annual Symposium, 14-16 June, 2001

The Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences 4th Annual Symposium took place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on June 14, 15, and 16, 2001. The theme of this year's symposium was "Beyond Bioequivalence! Canadian & International Issues in Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics", and was attended by more than 200 scientists, industry leaders, and students. 34 speakers shared their expertise on topics covering "Oral and non-oral formulation development in drug development", "Pharmacokinetic issues for new drug submissions", "Regulatory and federal/provincial bioequivalence and interchangeability issues", "Pharmacokinetic and biopharmaceutic issues involving biologics/biotechnology products", and "Issues in bioequivalence". The Conference included a poster presentation session and an Awards banquet. Dr. Fakhreddin Jamali and Dr. Kamal Midha received the CSPS/DuPont Pharma Award of Leadership in Pharmaceutical Research & Development and the CSPS Lifetime Achievement Award, respectively.


Left to right: Iain McGilveray, Fakhreddin Jamali, Kamal Midha, Laszlo Endrenyi

Dean Frank Abbott (not present in the picture) presented the CSPS/DuPont Pharma Award of Leadership to Dr. Fakhreddin Jamali, and Dr. Laszlo Endrenyi presented the CSPS Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Kamal Midha. Dr. Iain McGilveray, 2001 Program chair is present in the picture.


Back from left to right: N. Pound, L. Endrenyi, F. Jamali, P. Yeung, G. McKay, I. McGilveray. Front from left to right: F. Abbott, E. Vadas, S. Hutt

The CSPS Executive Council and Administrator.


Left to right: Patrick Gosselin, Jasmine Prucha, Eric Masson

Dr. Eric Masson presents a tribute to Ms. Jasmine Prucha and Mr. Patrick Gosselin in recognition of contributions to providing translations from English to French for CSPS publications.


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